Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm having a wonderful time. Really. I am.

(This is a rerun. I am sick today.)

Did you ever wonder what the truly boring do at exciting events?

I will tell you. You will then want to take me along on your next exciting event. But, I will not go, as I will be busy doing boring things that I happen to enjoy. A lot.

At exciting amusement parks, I am the person who will hold the purses, hats and loose change while the exciting people ride the thrilling rides. I will be watching a show, while holding your stuff, a show that usually involves people dressed as animals dancing around on a stage.

When the ride makes you sick, I am the boring person that will wait with you in the restroom. I won't understand when you get back on the ride, but I will still be your friend, and will still hold your paraphernalia.

At the water park, I am the woman standing guard over your deck chairs. I make sure your chocolate doesn't melt in the sun. I wear your watches. I would give my very life if someone tried to take off with your Sony Walkman. Notice me next time you are there. I'm behind the large book. I am having a WONDERFUL time.

I'm the woman in the bookstore at the mall. I'm reading in one of those comfy chairs. Shopping bags are leaning up against my legs. I am the contact point for anyone changing their plans. Oh, and don't hurry back. I'm good doing this for hours at a time. And the bathroom here is clean.

And when you are on a ball team...any kind of ball team. I will be there in the stands. I do not wish to play. Occasionally, if you do something wonderful, I will cheer loudly. If you are treated unfairly, I will sneer and look aghast. Other than those two emotions, I will sit calmly, holding your money, your watch, your earrings and whatever else you thought necessary.

Go ahead. Fly off to Florida. I will stay home and answer the phone, gather in the mail, feed the pets, go out to eat every night, rent videos I have always wanted to see that you did not. And, believe it or not, I am HAPPY! Yes. Do not mistake the look of utter dullness to mean otherwise.

Go out deep into Lake Michigan. Float on your raft. I'll keep an eye on your watch, clothes (i once was called upon to retrieve a shirt from the beak of a sea gull) and all of your snacks. When the sun gets too hot, or the breeze too sandy, I will pull my chair into the woods and risk being eaten alive by biting black flies. But I am fine. I have a heavy bag of books. I have drawing paper and a pencil. I have Dr. Pepper and red licorice. I have a magazine.

Run along. Hike in those woods. I'll be in the nature center watching the slide show about wild flowers, or bats, or the sand dunes. It's interesting. I know I've seen the sand dunes slide show every year for the past decade, but I LOVE it! "Where did all this sand come from", and "Parabolic Dune" are words that speak deeply to some part of my soul. I can't explain it, I just want to watch it again, and again, and again. Now run along, I'll hold your rocks.

I'll hike the mile back to the camp site with the child who has to pee. We will stop in the woods to look for that racoon we saw last night. While I'm here, I'll grab the sun screen you forgot, and get your book to identify that bug you caught. I'll grab the sweatshirts to ward off the chill for your walk back.

Plant me anywhere. Obviosuly, I grow in the shade. I'll watch your stuff. It's okay. Really. I am having the time of my life.

(originally posted on 2/22/05)


Anvilcloud said...

Well said. You are interesting because you are interested. You don't require hyper stimulation to have a good time. You are a good time. And I really think you you take that reference to boring out of your profile. I'm pretty darn good at self deprecation, but I hate that you describe yourself as boring in your profile.

Just over the border on the east side of Michigan.

Melodee said...

Please come and live with me. I need you.

Unknown said...

"I think the sand came from the water."

I made Christine watch the slide show when we went. It didn't send her the way it sends us. There's no accounting for taste I guess. She can't understand why I don't think National Lampoon's Christmas vacation is funny.

Evan said...

this is a great posting. while reading it i plunged back into my childhood, i have some wonderful memories sitting on the faded green bench at MI Adventure with my mother while THGGY and the siblings went on the rollercoasters. and it wasn't boring at all! i love you mom!

Anonymous said...

In the wackiest of ways to land here, with these eyes and these chewed fingers I stop to leave only this, the boring - they who wait and look after and fuss themselves over the rest of us...? It is they who this earth spins to support their smile, it is they who with every stretch of their fingers turn the tide for the best of all worlds to exist. It is they who fashion the moments into little lessons for all of us to indulge in. And let everyone of US be grateful for their permissions, their considerations and their smiles.

Thank you for that post...

Anvilcloud said...

I am sick today too, and it's also a rerun. So's the boy, and it's a rerun for him too. We're a fine pair today. (I know it's not the same type of rerun, nevertheless ...)

Karen said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick again!

I loved reading this post. I'm glad you decided to run it again, because I didn't know you the first time you ran it. I'm sure everyone loves having you along. I would be there, in the chair next to you, watching the nature film instead of going on the hike:) But, I'll let you watch my stuff while I play at the water park!

*Reading Between the Lines* said...

Sorry you are sick. 8-(
I am new to reading your blog...
and I am already looking forward to each post.
You have a gift for writing...
keep it up!
I have a blog with a friend,
she does most of the writing, she has a gift like you.
I post most of the pictures with little captions. 8-)
Come by and visit us sometime.
Take care,
aka Mommy 2

Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Oh - I, too, am pretty new to your blog but I am really enjoying it. I loved this post. It was very funny - but I can totally relate - I am quite a boring person myself but I enjoy it!
Thanks for the laugh,
Lisa :o)

Melissa said...

I get it...

MissKris said...

Oh, girl...again, we are so much alike. I'm that boring person, too. Even tho our 'history' together on here is long, this must've been before we discovered each other...and I am so old and distracted now I don't even remember how THAT happened. I LOVED this post!!!!!!! Get Well!!!