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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!
Oh oh....sounds like you let this bug really get ahold of you. Usually whenever I begin to feel even the slightest twinge of a sore throat, I begin on Samuchol lozenges...usually just taking one will nip a cold in the bud. My family members take golden seal along with extra vitamin C...that is much too strong for me to even try but it seems to work for them. You should not take that herb long term, but a few days is ok. Even though this cold has already begun...I still think the sambuchol would help shorten it. My last doc in our former state, told us to use 250-300 mg. of magnesium (plain magnesium, no calcium) along with 1,000 mg. or more of Vitamin C...take every 4 to 6 hours, up to 4 times a day...that also will help with a cough!! In fact, when you end up in the hospital with a lung problem like that, they give you that in your veins...the magnesium anyway. I sure hope you get better and quickly!! This is not a good time of year to be sick!
There are so many germs in SW Michigan this time of year that it's almost impossible to identify the source of an illness.
Think of all the sneezing, blowing people when you go out shopping. One of the worse sources of contamination is grocery cart handles.
With that cheery thought, I wish you a quick recovery.
Elizabeth, thanks for the tips!
Marguerite, grocery cart handles are my LEAST favorite thing to touch. I carry 'wipes' in my purse just because of that. I'm just hoping I don't pass this on to my parents or pregnant Daughter. Well, I wouldn't wish it on anyone!
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