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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, October 01, 2007

October? Excuse Me, But What Happened to September?

How is it that it has gotten to be October already?

Today, THGGM turned 49.

Daughter went back to work today, so my 'new' job started as well.

THGGM dropped me off on his way to work and picked me up on his way home.
"Everybody" came for birthday dinner of white chicken chili and German Chocolate cake.

Jonge was especially sweet and adorable all day today. I think we may have figured out what he is doing when he holds up his chubby little hand in what looks like a stop position and says "BOCK" while facing all four directions.
He brought me a book tonight. "The Wheels on the Bus".
"The driver on the bus says 'move on back, move on back, move on back'. The driver on the bus says 'move on back' all around the town."
Yup. He does. He says it four times. So, I asked Jonge of this is what he means by 'bock' and he looked up at me and said "Yeeash!"
Famke was her sweet cuddly little self. She happily took a bottle from me. She only cried once. One sad little cry, just to remind me that she hadn't eaten in four hours.
I brought along a John Holt book to read today, while they napped. But, every time they napped, so did I. I didn't mean to, it just happened. Anyway, the first few pages of it were very good!

1 comment:

MissKris said...

...and August and July and...well, you catch my drift! Sigh....