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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What I'm Reading

I found the Grandma Moses book at my favorite thrift store. It was there for quite sometime. I cannot believe that no one snatched it up. So, I did. I'm finding it to be very interesting reading, and the art work is wonderful.

And, I used my 50% off Michael's coupon to buy the "Felt Wee Folks" book by Salley Mavor.

That is interesting reading also.
I think I'm drawn to her artwork because it reminds me of those Ecuadorian quilts with the scenes of village life stitched on to make a 3D effect.
If I am remembering correctly (that, my friends, is a big "IF") I saw a great display of those quilts at the Museum of Science and Industry a long long time ago. Now I am wondering if it was a permanent display, or the traveling kind.
Anyway, a 'fair trade' shop in Saugatuck has similar artwork for sale. I love it.
That made finding this book all the more fun.
And, even Grandma Moses began by stitching pictures.
I'm reading other stuff too, but we will save that for another day.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Oh! I love Grandma Moses. Her autobiography, Grandma Moses:My Life's History, is one of my all-time favorite books which I've read over and over for many years. I think you'd love it, too. :) Blessings, Debra