Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Where IS Fall?

Today THGGM, Daughter, Famke and I went out for lunch at our favorite apple orchard. Yum. It was very good. But, it felt all wrong. It was HOT. Not just nice and warm, but HOT. We greatly enjoyed our warm pumpkin spice donut and cider, but it just felt weird being hot.

Anyway, I came home with some gourds, tiny white pumpkins and a pumpkin pie pumpkin. I'll have to keep the air on so they don't rot.

I want to put my pumpkin on my front porch, but last Saturday when I went to work I noticed that the street was littered with smashed pumpkins.

Maybe I'll put a pulled grenade in mine. Oh, wait. I don't have any grenades.

Tonight I was resting peacefully in my living room, having just commented to THGGM a few minutes earlier about how QUIET it is here. We are very close to a major intersection, share a side street with a school, yet, it is very quiet. THGGM agreed, and then left the house while I basked in the silence.

He wasn't even gone five minutes when I heard that unmistakable sound of squealing tires, and then a crash. A very loud crash. By the time I made it to the door (i couldn't see it from the window) everything was still again. There were a few large pieces of 'car' still in the road, and three vehicles with people emerging. No one appeared to be injured, and help was there right away.

But, I still feel jarred by it. Disturbed in a strange way.

Thankful that none of the cars were gray.

And all the people walked away.


Karen said...

First, I have to tell you again that your grandchildren are SO beautiful. Love the marshmallow picture -- what a look he's giving his grandpa. Yesterday's baby pictures made me smile. She's priceless.

And a hand grenade in the pumpkin! LOL!

Karen said...

P.S. Didn't mean to discount the scare you had with the car crash. I'm sure your heart stopped for a moment there. Just the thought of it gave me a shiver.

MissKris said...

Well, mosey on out MY way and you'll find Fall! It's like we bypassed October and are already into November!! Our daily temps are on an average of 10 degrees cooler than normal, and it's rainy and blustery and...Fall-like, hahaha!