Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, November 30, 2007

All the Better to See You!

The picture has nothing to do with the post. I just couldn't resist. I feel badly for the poor olden-days child who had need of glasses like this!
And, now to the issue at hand...
Thank you so much for all of your comments, emails, well-wishes and prayers for my mom. Soon, I hope to respond to them personally, but since I am not sure when that will be, I want you to know that it means SO VERY MUCH!
My mom seems to be doing better. I'm not sure she knows exactly where she is, or why, but she certainly is being well taken care of!
The difference in just her looks is amazing. When my niece arrived yesterday my mom was at the 'beauty shop' getting her hair cut. She is getting physical and occupational therapy. They can get her to take her medications on schedule, something we were no longer able to do. Even when we thought we were doing it, she was hiding them all over the place. Her blood sugar is tested before each meal and she is given insulin as needed. We all are very aware that there isn't a 'cure', but for what ails her, she is in the best place for now, and improving.
Since that ride in the back of the police car, it has seemed like one loooooooooooong day.
I was telling Daughter this week how strange it was that it was my mother who taught me how to do this. I grew up watching her care for her parents. It was not easy. She had to make some very difficult decisions concerning my grandpa. My grandma was always embarrassing my mom by saying outlandish things in public. She once met a friend at a doctor's office. This friend was dying of cancer. My grandma was having ingrown toenail issues (she was diabetic, so it WAS serious) and announced to this dying woman "You don't know pain until you've had an ingrown toenail!" My mother wanted to crawl into a hole and die right on the spot (her words). But, my mother always treated her parents with respect and dignity and a wonderfully understanding kindness. Even when they drove her nuts.
And, my mom hasn't lost that part of herself. While in the hospital Monday evening, her nurse was a woman with an obvious disability. Yet, she did her job well and made it look effortless. She never left the room without my mom (who was extremely agitated most of the time) turning to me and saying 'I feel so sorry for that woman. She must be SO tired when she gets home'.
It was my mom who several years ago talked to each of her daughters individually and said she knew she was losing it. She told each of us that she knew that when the time came, she could trust us to make the right decisions. Her exact words to me were "I have never minded the thought of having to go to a home. I don't want to move in with any of you, and I know dad cannot take care of me." Part of the talk was that she knew when the time came that she probably wouldn't want to go, but that THIS her (the one talking to us then) was okay with it.
So, this week we did that.
So far, she seems to be adjusting better than any of us would ever have thought.
Please pray for God's peace to flood my mom's heart.


Anonymous said...

I thank God for how He is caring for you and your family, especially your mum, right now on this first day of Advent.

Your mother gave you a gift when she released you from guilt about the "caring for her" issue. I am (have been) doing the same for my daughters (3) who are not even grown up yet.

I'm 48, but I have a couple of diseases that are making my days chronically painful. I want my 12, 14 and 17 year olds to hear it repeatedly, to memorize it and to K N O W it; A nursing home is not the end of the world. It's ok for me to be there when I am too sick. God will go with me.

We will keep praying dear Judy, and thanking the Lord for what He's doing in your situation.




Debra said...

Dear Judy... I've been praying for you and your mom as I'm busy around my house, packing. Thanks for sharing her with us and I'm going to believe for the very best for her in the days to come. Take good care of yourself.... Blessings, Debra

daisymarie said...

I will continue to pray for you.

Melissa said...

I think Cynthia is right - Your Mom gave you a gift. my MIL always tells us she would rather die than go into a home. Ahem - they live in CA we live in MN - not a very workable situation. And I don't like her.

The pics of Famke are adorable.

I am glad things are working out well. I know that when my maternal grandmother went into a Alzheimer's Facility she improved and she was safe (she had started escaping the house and wandering too)

I know what you mean - it would be hard to be that surrounded by people all the time - you would have to find a way to build your own quietness...

joyce said...

she is ever so blessed to have someone as involved, loving, and compassionate as you.