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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Wednesday, or So I'm Told

My dad stopped by today. Famke gave him the BIGGEST smile I have ever seen on her. It was just what my dad needed.
Jonge talked up a storm, as besides Thanksgiving day, he hasn't seen as much of 'pa' lately. Not because pa hasn't been around, he has. But he was here during Jonge's nap time. So, Jonge was happy to have pa read him stories, and throw the balls around, and use pa's cane to retrieve lost toys from under the couch. And, he had so much to tell him, as the words and thoughts are really flowing now.
I didn't visit my mom today. Since Jonge and Famke left, I have been too tired to move. I hear that she was very sleepy today, and also not so happy in the afternoon. This is the time she would always get demanding about wanting to go home. Even when she WAS home. So, hopefully the nursing staff will have some ideas for things to do for her to help that. So many of the activities that she could participate in are during that time and I would hate for her to miss out on the socializing, something my mom has always greatly enjoyed.
That has gotten me to thinking. I believe that were I not insane upon entering a nursing facility, I would certainly become so while there. You would not know it from my blog, but I am an intensely private, introverted person. Having to share a tiny space with a total stranger would totally do me in.
Now, just so you know what sort of children mine are, I was telling that to Daughter today. You know, for that time that will come when I am in need of long term care, supposing that I live beyond my 49 years.
She looked me square in the eye and said - I call "not it!"


MissKris said...

It sounds like answers to prayer are coming thru...thanks be to God! Aren't blogs funny things? I, too, am pretty quiet and into my own pursuits for the most part in my 'private' life...the written word is where I feel comfortable opening up. It's always been that way and probably always will be.

joyce said...

sadly, its true. The prevalent confusion amongst the residents seems to confuse the confused even more. But maybe thatès the wrong thing to say? You've most certainly made the right choice. She is safer where she is. She is amongst staff who are familiar with dementia and know what not to say. Its a huge change, and my heart hurts for you.