It occurred to me that I might want to get back into stamping cards. I have not done that since, oh...maybe last year around Valentine's Day? I'm guessing, because I opened up one of my many 'work in progress' baskets and found all of my Valentine's Day stuff.

Of course, I had much other stuff to do, like laundry. And I kept getting side tracked. But, for the most part I ATTEMPTED to stamp today.
I tried a few of my old favorite techniques. Stamping on colored card stock with bleach (oh...which i splashed into my eye. did you ever try to read the warning label on a bleach pen WHILE you have bleach in your eye?) And, coloring the stamp, spritzing it and then stamping on water color paper. That left me looking like a bank robber with ink all over my hands.
I really truly was not happy with any of it. I did not feel relaxed. Actually, I felt even less relaxed and more frustrated.
How DO people relax? I have forgotten how. There is always something else that I am supposed to be doing which keeps me from relaxing.
I am open for suggestions. Legal suggestions.
I have NO idea how to relax either. Wait... that's not exactly true. I can think of ways I would LIKE to relax (sleep,read a book, sleep, watch a movie, sleep) but apparently my life, kids, husband and church don't WANT me to relax.
Are you sure you aren't open to narcotics of some kind? The pot-heads I see look very relaxed...
tee hee. Just kidding.
I know you're diabetic and I know you're not crazy about leaving the house...even when you WANT to, you're basically housebound like me thru the week, ha! But exercise is the magic potion for me, Judy. Just getting out and walking. Fresh air, something to look at besides the four walls. It's amazing how much it brightens my outlook and relaxes me. My exercise bike used to do the same thing when I had time to ride it. I'd put on my earphones, put on a favorite CD, and pedal for an hour. My dad was diabetic, too, and I know his doctor recommended getting out and walking. One thing about it, it's free and the benefits are endless. In the past two days Dylan and I have walked around 12 miles. I bundle him up in a big blanket with only his head outside and away we go in 20+ temperatures! I sleep like the dead at nite.
I set the oven timer for 20 minutes and meditate. I think of one word or a short phrase and as soon as my mind wanders (which usually takes a nanosecond) I say the word, over and over.
It settles my body and my spirit.
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