Oh, for simple days like this!
The first three kids are my best friend Betty's kids. We had SO much fun in those days! Betty's kids were the nicest children on the planet.
Poor Daughter. She is the only one without a pop-up book. Not to worry, it has been noted and will soon be remedied!

Jump ahead a few years. The same kids, only now walking home from school together.
Good friends are so hard to come by. I will be eternally grateful that my kids had these kids as their friends.
Oh. And those two teachers. They deserve a book!
I have a couple couch line up pics like yours. Such sweet memories.
Our kids were blessed with the same kind of neighborhood friendships. Just about every house on the street had kids back then in the early 80s. Now they're all aged 29-34 and we still see them whenever they come around. Some even look us up. I was one of the few stay-at-home moms for the most part and our place was where everyone gathered and played...I was everybody's mom. I loved it, and I loved all those kids like my own. Oh...and if you don't check your G-Mail account very often, would you resend me your regular email address? I don't know what happened but I don't have it in my Contacts anymore.
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