Well, it is for me anyway.
Due to the overwhelming amounts of cool stuff I have accumulated I here by announce (for my own sake - not anybody elses!) that I am taking the month of February off from thrift/antique shopping.
I did this last January. I should have done it this January, but I "wasn't there" yet. You fellow collectors of all things 'cute' know exactly what I mean.
Notice that I chose a short month. And, I am taking leap year day as an invitation to interject a 'free' day of shopping in February. You know, for one of those extremely difficult blah-gray-depressing-ihavethewinterbluesandmustgetoutofhere sort of days. I might need it.
Other than that, I will be fulfilling that advice my mom gave me long ago to 'leave some for the other kids'.
My very favorite thrift store ever had everything for half price on Saturday. I bought three things. The clear glass dishes pictured above, which I had been admiring for months now. Another canister of old Tinkertoys, which THGGM pointed out were 'a much better deal at 50% off and couldn't I have waited', and something else. I don't even remember what the third thing I bought was, but I HAD to have it. OH! I remember! It was a great mattress pad! A nice thick plush cottony mattress pad that I shall cut up and make into interesting things!
Yes. That is why I have to quit. I have to actually DO something with all of the great stuff I've been buying.
Oh. And our favorite thrift store? It has only been open for a little over three years now. In January they hit the million dollar mark. I like to think that my little ventures into this thrift store have helped a lot of little children with their very expensive educational needs.
I hear ya sister, and I relate!! I will be having a big yard sale of my Mom's antiques and collectables come spring - wanna come? I have two grandsons in college that could use some financial aid!!
It is so difficult!
You've inspired me TO start thrift store shopping :)
ok, yes... I remember reading this. I'm glad to remember that it is only for a month. WHEW!!
Here, I was thinking it was 4 EVER or something sick like that.
good. I feel so much less pathological now.
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