This is for my records. I actually was able to do a few things I've been meaning to do for months.
It will not include the things I did not accomplish. No. That list grows longer.
For starters, I emptied out the drawer with all the odd computer components in it. I boxed them up and put them into the storage closet, next to the box marked 'very important papers'. I've not a clue what is in that box. I'm almost afraid to look. Thankfully, THGGM has gotten good at things of importance. In the drawer I found this really cool thing that Oldest Son gave me just before we moved. I remember being SO excited to get it. Now I am not even sure what it is. I'll have to ask.
Next I rearranged my pantry. THGGM, who is tall, keeps putting really large jars of stuff on the top shelves. He uses these heavy things to block the stuff I use on a daily basis. This means that at lunch time I can be found in the pantry with a toddler at my side and a baby hanging off my arm as I try to retrieve peanut butter from behind 48 ounces of great northern beans, with no place to set the beans as I lift them over my head. Well, THAT will not be happening anymore. I moved all of the heavy stuff down to lower shelves were only toes will be broken in a fall.
Then, I created a baking center. Truly, this is a sign that this kitchen feels like it is mine! Between the stove and refrigerator is a counter and cupboards perfect for baking. So, I moved my spices into a drawer, put my flour and sugar in the bread drawer (where i also put the peanut butter) and have everything I need in reach. I found some cute little heart shaped cake pans at the thrift store. I just might have to use them.
It occurred to me today that for all of the shopping I do for 'found elements' to use in artwork and decorating I put sadly little time, thought or money into my clothes. As I carried my laundry up the stairs I noticed that absolutely everything was denim except for one off-white sweatshirt. I rarely wear that for more than 30 minutes before it is either spilled or spit up on. Anyway, I carried up three pair of jeans, three denim shirts, and two shirts with blue and white stripes. Apparently my subconscious wants to be one with the water and sky. Blue has been my signature color since high school. I had no flair for fashion then, either. I can think of no reason to remedy this either. THGGM wears enough bright colors for both of us.
Today I am leaving the TV on, so if I overhear something interesting I can go back and rewind it. I am addicted to DVR. Addicted. Our Dish is the only unnecessary thing we pay for monthly. I thought I could do without it. I don't believe that I can anymore. The week I had my eye-migraine I was laying in a dark room listening to the six o'clock news when a story came on about the team Youngest Son's girlfriend plays for. I was able to rewind it, tape the fantastic pass she made, and record Youngest Son cheering for her in the stands. What a wonder. It's a nice way to keep up with Youngest Son.
Now it's on to the three cupboards over my desk.
Then, the linen closet in the hallway.
The deep question remains, will I ever get to my rooms in the basement? Will I ever get all of my collections of 'found objects' sorted and into places from which I might actually retrieve them.
Yes. Yes, I will. I feel hopeful today.
And, since this is my blog and I have already told you that I am boring...have you ever had this happen to you?
Today I had to make a bunch of phone calls. I hate to make phone calls. They all went exceptionally well. For one of them I was waiting for a call back. Just as I sat down at the computer, the phone rang. As I went to answer it, I thought "I hope this is good news." Ha. That is exactly what the caller ID said. "Good News." How weird is that? Or, is that a common call?
There. Still boring. That's me.
It will not include the things I did not accomplish. No. That list grows longer.
For starters, I emptied out the drawer with all the odd computer components in it. I boxed them up and put them into the storage closet, next to the box marked 'very important papers'. I've not a clue what is in that box. I'm almost afraid to look. Thankfully, THGGM has gotten good at things of importance. In the drawer I found this really cool thing that Oldest Son gave me just before we moved. I remember being SO excited to get it. Now I am not even sure what it is. I'll have to ask.
Next I rearranged my pantry. THGGM, who is tall, keeps putting really large jars of stuff on the top shelves. He uses these heavy things to block the stuff I use on a daily basis. This means that at lunch time I can be found in the pantry with a toddler at my side and a baby hanging off my arm as I try to retrieve peanut butter from behind 48 ounces of great northern beans, with no place to set the beans as I lift them over my head. Well, THAT will not be happening anymore. I moved all of the heavy stuff down to lower shelves were only toes will be broken in a fall.
Then, I created a baking center. Truly, this is a sign that this kitchen feels like it is mine! Between the stove and refrigerator is a counter and cupboards perfect for baking. So, I moved my spices into a drawer, put my flour and sugar in the bread drawer (where i also put the peanut butter) and have everything I need in reach. I found some cute little heart shaped cake pans at the thrift store. I just might have to use them.
It occurred to me today that for all of the shopping I do for 'found elements' to use in artwork and decorating I put sadly little time, thought or money into my clothes. As I carried my laundry up the stairs I noticed that absolutely everything was denim except for one off-white sweatshirt. I rarely wear that for more than 30 minutes before it is either spilled or spit up on. Anyway, I carried up three pair of jeans, three denim shirts, and two shirts with blue and white stripes. Apparently my subconscious wants to be one with the water and sky. Blue has been my signature color since high school. I had no flair for fashion then, either. I can think of no reason to remedy this either. THGGM wears enough bright colors for both of us.
Today I am leaving the TV on, so if I overhear something interesting I can go back and rewind it. I am addicted to DVR. Addicted. Our Dish is the only unnecessary thing we pay for monthly. I thought I could do without it. I don't believe that I can anymore. The week I had my eye-migraine I was laying in a dark room listening to the six o'clock news when a story came on about the team Youngest Son's girlfriend plays for. I was able to rewind it, tape the fantastic pass she made, and record Youngest Son cheering for her in the stands. What a wonder. It's a nice way to keep up with Youngest Son.
Now it's on to the three cupboards over my desk.
Then, the linen closet in the hallway.
The deep question remains, will I ever get to my rooms in the basement? Will I ever get all of my collections of 'found objects' sorted and into places from which I might actually retrieve them.
Yes. Yes, I will. I feel hopeful today.
And, since this is my blog and I have already told you that I am boring...have you ever had this happen to you?
Today I had to make a bunch of phone calls. I hate to make phone calls. They all went exceptionally well. For one of them I was waiting for a call back. Just as I sat down at the computer, the phone rang. As I went to answer it, I thought "I hope this is good news." Ha. That is exactly what the caller ID said. "Good News." How weird is that? Or, is that a common call?
There. Still boring. That's me.
wow... you sure got a lot accomplished today! Well done! You made me tired just reading about it :)
First of all I love your blog. You sure were busy today. How many cups of coffee did you drink? Or was it one of those awful energy drinks my son drinks?
Sorry about your eye migraines. They sound awful.
I just love your blog. Truly I do.
You sure managed more than I did. But I did get out around 8:30 this morning for a 4-mile walk with Dylan in about 27 degree weather! I wrap him up like a cocoon in one of our fleece throws and away we go! He LOVES it, tho a neighbor's chicken pecked him in the finger and scared him half to death, haha! I am simply amazed at how many Portlanders keep chickens in their back yards!
I don't find you boring at all. I love your blog and hearing all the details about how you make your house a home. The baking center sounds wonderful -- love the picture. Your kitchen is so cozy:)
You are so NOT boring! I love your blog. You have a great sense of humor.
I love the way your "baking center" looks.
You are really making your house, your home.
I'm glad someone is gettin' stuff done. It's cold and wet here in Texas and I don't feel like doing much of anything even though we are out of groceries and there is nothing left to eat but oatmeal...or frozen okra.
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