Jonge spent the night. Today, we didn't meet the rest of the family for breakfast, but instead met at our favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch.
This meant that Jonge got to go to our favorite thrift store with us!
He and Pake found some fun toys.
Jonge also impressed the grandma's that work at the store by being a perfectly well-behaved gentleman. They all thought that he was much older than he is. Pake was SO proud.
I found this cute vase.
I know it seems weird to decorate a bathroom with china, but it works!
This is now holding tooth brushes.
In honor of this new acquisition we bought new tooth brushes. We like to live big.
One new tooth brush costs more than the vase.
And that is why we love thrift stores so much, isn't it? Amazing how much even a toothbrush costs any more, isn't it? It's a very pretty vase.
imagine how many vases you could buy if you were sensible and made do with the old toothbrush.
It's pretty.
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