Dare I say it? There seems to be a whiff of spring in the air!
Now, if I could just get that 'spring' to migrate to my step I would be on my way to celebrating it.
I've had a bit more than random thoughts lately, but no time to sort them out and write them down.
I cannot seem to help myself from trying to crack the code which is Alzheimer's.
There just HAS to be a way around the tangled mess in the brain that reaches the hidden places where memory is stored.
I say this because my mom's memory seems to still be there, she just cannot consistently access it.
Otherwise, how could there be some days when certain memories seem to have fled her, and others where they are right at her fingertips? That, I do not understand.
And, what about 'emotional' memory? Is that somehow stored differently in the brain? I believe it is. But, how and why (and where and to what extent?).
It is nearly impossible (okay. it is totally impossible.) for someone with a mere high school education to find brains with which to experiment. It's totally impossible for me to stop thinking about this.
Therefore, my thoughts are scattered and random.
The high point of my days is having a little 'stamping buddy'. A long time ago, when Jonge was just months old, I purchased on Ebay an old Stampin' Up kit filled with tiny stamps used to make a 'chore chart'. Jonge was DELIGHTED to stamp out the toothbrush, comb, bathtub, and all the other stamps making up the possible chores.
I was happy to stumble across those while unpacking and sorting everything (and i mean everything) in my basement shoppe of horrors. That only served to remind me that there were probably other things I had bought long ago with the future Jonge in mind.
So, off I went (i still think 'goed' is a better word, and tend to use it as part of my common vernacular.) to the garage in search of, what... I could not be sure until I found it.
And, discoveries were made! I found a bag of blocks that could be, if one knew how to put them together, a marble run! It now lays all about my dining room table, because I know not how to put them together. Hopefully, Jonge will be able to figure it out. If not, I'm staking it all on THGGM. Or, there will be tears (mine. if i had any. which, i don't).
I also fear that for the sake of art I am going to have to catch a mouse, live. I need to know how to pose them. My "Blue Mouse Tales" is going nowhere, unless I choose to keep them always staring forward. I can sort of get one leg to reach out in a side-step, but I cannot at all figure out what that would do to the head. I suppose it will have to be a cooperative mouse I catch, and as my luck runs, they tend not to want to cooperate with me at all.
I haven't seen one in awhile. This may be that the pamphlets I've left laying around for points south have been read and transportation has been arranged.
Noted here also, I must comment that I do not think this house has gone for 24 hours yet without an entire room being totally rearranged. Last night, late, THGGM got the idea to move something from one room into another room. This involved a lot of heaving and hoeing. I see a trip (or two) to the hardware store this weekend.
Weekend. It's the weekend already. And yet, I still have my Monday chores to tackle.
Now...where IS that little stamp with the image of a full laundry basket on it?..
"With a mere high school education", I think is how you put it. Ah, Judy. Don't underestimate yourself. My mom never graduated from high school...she had to leave her junior year to stay home and help with family back from WWII...and I'm 'only' a high school grad, too. But my mom and I and you were/are great readers. I firmly believe if you continue to read, you continue to grow. You ought to have your IQ tested. I did and mine is now 132. In high school I could've cared less. Now my mind is fertile ground, soaking up EVERYTHING. So I describe myself as 'well read'. They can take that or leave it, but it's what I am.
you are brilliant, that is what I think - that is why you are so scattered. ;)
Nelson got a marble raceway off ebay last week but he can't find his marbles!!! We've left it in the box to avoid tears and demands.
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