On the days that Jonge and Famke are at my house, Pa likes to come over and play with us. He usually brings a treat for Jonge.
I'm not exactly sure how the concept of respect for one's elders is taught, but I noticed today that Jonge has learned it. Pa brought TWO cookies, fig newtons, in a baggie. When Jonge opened the baggie he handed one of them to Pa, who said that he could have both of them. Jonge ate one, making all of the correct 'nummy' sounds. When I asked him if he wanted the other one, he said no. I assured him that it would be okay, and he very quietly and discreetly leaned in to me and whispered "I don't like it."
That is priceless. Oh that more children....and adults would have that bit of "inner wisdom" that not only teaches respect for elder, but all people.
This was a Readers Digest moment.
Not only has he learned respect for his elders but diplomacy as well. What a darling boy. And I must admit...I don't like Fig Newtons, either...gag!
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