Daughter and Son-in-law had a birthday party to attend Saturday night, so THGGM and I had overnight guests. We LOVE this, probably more so because our guests sleep all through the night.
I'd forgotten how daunting of a task it is to get two little people ready for church by 9:15.
Famke was all dressed in a darling white smocked dress. As I was putting her into her carseat I noticed a familiar odor. When I picked her up to change her, she vomited all over her pretty white dress.
We arrived, late.
Famke has a new sound that she delights in making.
It's yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.
I cannot imagine where she picked that up.
sometimes now when asher has a diaper change he asks the question: what did i eat?
they do catch on quickly!
that is cute...
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