Sweet, adorable, cuddly Famke has suddenly changed from a smiling baby to a full-fledged female with opinions and agendas of her own.
This morning, her mommy found her attempting to escape from her crib.
Oh, this little lady, who looks so much like her daddy, is shaping up to be MUCH like her mommy was at this age.
It's going to be loads and loads of fun.
escape! i love it!!!! and so it begins.
While recuperating I haven't had much time to get to know Cooper yet. But June 2nd is getting closer and closer and away we'll go then!! From what I've witnessed so far, he's the most laid back, happy go lucky little guy, just like his Auntie Kaitlin was. So hopefully I'll have only one whirlwind on my hands. Now my son and d-i-l know what I'm talking about when I tell them Dylan is BUSY!!
cutie pie!
That sweet face is just a cover for a baby wonder woman!
What endless entertainment you have ahead of you!!
Got your link from Actual Unretouched Photo. I am an INTJ also!
Mary, mom to many
She is so lovely!
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