This afternoon I looked out my pink bathroom window and noticed that my peonies had been knocked over by all of the rain last night.
Of course, I grabbed my cutter and rescued them.
If only this picture were a 'scratch and sniff' as they smell woooonderful.
I expected that the hours long storm with heavy rains would take it's toll on my flowers, what I didn't expect was to find a sink hole in my backyard.
Remember that cute picture a few posts down of Famke standing in my backyard?
Did YOU notice how her feet did not show? I did. But it made a nice little bowl for her inexperienced feet to stand in.
Were she standing in it now, which she will NOT be, I believe we would only see her head.
THGGM and I took a cane outside and poked around in it a little bit. Then we thought better of it and went inside, to wait for the next round of storms to work their magic.
I must say that it did bring to mind the Old Testament story of Dathan and his brother.
Those peonies are so perfect they don't even look real. I wish they were scratch and sniff...I just looooovvvveee the smell of peonies...kinda like second to lilacs.
oh I wish I had those flowers in my yard!
What a beautiful picture, those flowers are sooo pretty.
Please keep Famke out of the back yard...we don't want to lose her to a sink hole!
gorgeous peonies!!
When I was in Jr High - a friend I were walking to the football field - suddenly she disappeared to her waist...a sinkhole - and it was right where everyone always was weird...
peonies are my absolute favourite.
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