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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Three Things

Although I can only remember two:

Does anyone truly believe that there are actually billions of dollars, anywhere?

How can we solve a debt problem by causing more debt?

And the answer is,


Anyway, this is MY solution.

One million dollars, tax free, given to every wage earner and everyone who wants to be a wage earner.

Then, we could be our own bank, or start new ones by investing wisely in the banks that have chosen to play by the lawful rules of fair play.

And I ask, why CAN'T this be done?

Of course, the answer would be, where would that kind of money come from?

See my point? Then where are the BILLIONS of dollars going to come from?

It isn't the Emperor who has no clothes, it's the government that has no money.

If we are to remain a government of the people, by the people. for the people, then so help me God, our government had better start remembering that if the people have no money because so much of it is already going to the government, from whom shall these billions of dollars be coming?

I'm just a wee bit curious. That's all.

Oh, and the second thing...

I keep finding myself humming the theme from The Smurfs.

You may ask my kids, we never watched The Smurfs. I would not let them.

But, as I was merrily making my way through the house a few weeks ago, THGGM asked why I am always humming the Smurf theme song.

I do not know.

This scares me a bit.

I might be more in lala land than I care to admit, even to myself.

La la lalalala la lala la la.

1 comment:

joyce said...

please never stop ranting. It would frighten me.