Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pre Empty Nest

Beginning when Daughter was just one week old, we have taken a snapshot by the fence at the duck pond at John Ball Park.
Occasionally this wasn't possible, but most of the twenty-six pictures we have were taken there.
It was fun to watch them grow with that chain link fence as a growth chart.

Sometimes even Niki appeared in the family picture. She never changed, much.

The next mile stone was to compare their height to that of THGGM.
Both boys ended up taller than their father. And about the same as each other.
I'm glad I was given a heads-up before we arrived at the duck pond on Saturday.
It is no longer there.
Instead of a pond there is a lush expanse of green lawn with an island of odd looking trees in the middle of it.


Yvonne said...

That's pretty cool! How nice to have preserved the memories.

Melissa said...

Very, very cool tradition it is fun to look at the photos!

daisymarie said...

Don't they know they're not supposed to change things like that? Was the fence there at least?

Jill said...

This is such a neat idea. I just thought to do the same when my youngest came along. Every year, since he was 6 mo, he and I have posed for a pic in front of a Sweet Autumn clematis that grows beside our garage. It neat to watch him grow, and thankfully, me shrink!

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Judy. I'm not very popular here at blogspot, so it's nice when you come along and "play."