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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Random Thoughts for a Tuesday Morning

...or, what I am doing to avoid that tall stack of 9x13 pans and cookie sheets that need washing.

Oh. And the four medical-related phone calls I need to make. I hate those even more than stacks of teetering dirty dishes.

I have finished reading Willa Cather's "Song of the Lark". It was SOOOO good. I'm glad I did not let what I read on Wikipedia stop me, as I thought twice about reading it after knowing what it was about. I shall be shopping around for "My Antonia". I thought I had it, but do not.

So, after also enjoying Edith Wharton's "Ethan Frome", I've moved on to a book of her short stories. I so enjoy short stories.

Again, I must ask you, have you read Theodore Dreiser's "The Old Neighborhood" yet? This is my all time favorite. Like any good story, this one will haunt you. You will think you are not thinking about it anymore, and suddenly out of nowhere you will find that you still are - and always will be - thinking about it. And it IS a short story, so go find a copy and read it. Because I said so, and really, I ask for so little...

This morning my dad told me that he has gained a few pounds this month. He must NEVER gain pounds. He also commented that he is a bit more short of breath. Just a bit. Then, he confessed to eating those roast beef sandwiches from Arby's. Arghhh. What to do.., she says as her diabetic hand reaches for the cinnamon roll she made to prove that she can actually make cinnamon rolls that RISE correctly. (now she leans over to pick up that apple that hasn't fallen far from that tree...) Cinnamon HAS been purported to lower blood sugar, you know.

I started a list of the projects I have around here that need finishing. The list was SO long that I became depressed and realized that I have a disease that causes me to be seduced into starting new projects and then not finishing them. For the record, I DID throw away all of those creamer cartons I was saving to make a lighted Christmas village with. But, when I opened the drawer to file away my incomplete list of incomplete projects, I found another incomplete project. Sometimes I think my only problem is that I am overwhelmed with the overwhelming list of things I want to do...

...but then, I throw my head back and laugh a cackling sort of crazy laugh. Oh, yeah. That's ALL that's wrong with me.

THGGM is doing a bit better than I am finishing his incomplete projects. Saturday he painted two ceilings and installed one new light fixture. It looks great, too. Still, he did end up being shorted the proper pieces for the light fixture and had to rig up something, so, I'm not ever going to stand under it. He says it will hold, but I remember just a few too many times he said something would be just fine the way it was, and then...well...I remember a certain blue toilet we had two decades ago...

Actually, he has become quite handy over the years. I should not paint an ill picture of him. Because, well, while he was successfully installing and painting things, I was creating those failed cinnamon rolls.

I did manage to get in a quick trip to the thrift store. I'll have to update my SimplyThrift blog too, I guess. I found a jacket for Jonge (i am planning to set the heat very low this winter) a Walt Whitman poetry book for children (me. i'm the child i bought it for), a 25 cent baggie with a plastic lion, horse and treasure box, (for jonge and famke) and a yard of fabric for the rice bags I've been making. This means I've $1.50 remaining from my $5.00 budget for half price book day at the other thrift store.

Oh. And I just found two more fabulous ideas that I must get to right away. One of the ideas is for two different ways to make two totally different light boxes. I'll let you know how that goes. The other is for felt coasters. Couldn't be simpler. Don't think I could fail at this one. But then, one just never knows. I've failed at many simple things.


Echoes From the Hill said...

I love your sense of humor! You really write well.

Debra said...

Terrific post! Love the part about reaching for a cinnamon roll...heh...Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Debra

Karen said...

I love the writings of Willa Cather. And I absolutley loved Ethan Fromme. Both the book and the movie with Liam Neeson. So, I will absolutely go find a copy of Theordore Dreiser's story.

Melissa said...

Oooh - I didn't know Liam Neeson did Ethan Fromme - must watch.

I have to start reading Willa Cather picked up one recently and have plans to start after I finish Made from Scratch and Pilgrim's Progress - maybe while I read Go Down Moses.

Pat said...

I just want cinnamon rolls.

Melodee said...

Okay, I just love your blog. And you. Will you be my neighbor?

And send me the cinnamon roll recipe?

I have read those books, but not that Dreiser short story. I will have to keep my eyes open. Oh, and I didn't so much read Ethan Frome as I did merely own it. But that counts, right?