Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We Interupt this Hibernation to Bring You this Special Report

I found this plaque at my favorite thrift store yesterday morning. It was 25 cents.
For a day that held plans of doll making, it ended on a much different note.
I'm thankful that my paths are directed.

Anyway.., look, Look, LOOK!

I made this doll. With my sewing machine. And a whole bunch of thrifted stuff. Everything you see here, actually.

We had our carpets cleaned yesterday, which meant that it was impossible to be on the main floor, due to drying carpets and displaced furniture.

So I went downstairs and thought that I would make some stuffed toys for Christmas gifts. But, then I found a pattern for dolls that I had bought at a thrift store for a quarter and an iron-on transfer face that was originally intended for a pot holder. I looked at the 22 inch doll pattern, and it looked like the face just might fit, so I sketched it on in pencil.

Let's just say that I now know at least a dozen ways NOT to make this doll. I fixed most of the problems, but gave up on the pinafore after two failed attempts and just tied a make-shift apron on her. Oh, and somehow I sewed her arms on wrong and will have to amputate and reattach them later. I was somewhat successful with the interfacing at the neck, which was something I had never ever attempted. I truly did not believe it would work. But, all though I doubted, the pattern people where correct.

I was trying to figure out if I could make a doll in a day, but in the evening I was interrupted by a call from an EMT calling from my dad's house. We had JUST BEEN THERE less than an hour earlier and he was fine. Just perfectly fine, for the shape he is in.

Somehow, on the leg that my dad had cellulitis, a varicose vein broke open.

I'll spare you the details, except to say that he seems fine for now.

I cannot believe he lost as much blood as he did and lived.

He can't either.
Tomorrow we shall head off to the doctor, and hopefully find some help with the fragile skin on that leg. Then, we will call around until we find a carpet cleaner willing to deal with blood.
Never doubt the power of blood thinning drugs,
and trust in the Lord.


Yvonne said...

Oh my goodness! I hope he will be ok! I'll keep him in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

That must have been really scary for your dad and for you guys too. Hope you can get him into the doc today.

Judy, I love your blog. You are a great writer.

Love ya, my friend.

Pat said...

You are probably living the busiest time of your life ever, I'm happy to see you have an outlet in your creativity - you need it!
I'll be praying for you - keep trusting in the Lord!

Echoes From the Hill said...

Hope the doctor can fix your dad's problem. Scary for all of you!

I love that doll's face! Actually I love the entire doll. I think her arms look just fine. Love her outfit. You are very creative!

Debra said...

Yikes...scary! I hope your dad is doing better today...love the doll! Blessings, Debra

Melissa said...

that literally makes me shiver...

I am glad all is well...

Tournesol said...

I'm glad your father is alright..scarey stuff. That is the cutest doll, I can't beleive you made it in one afternoon. Good job!