Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Random Thursday Thoughts

For the record, I am feeling better today!
Since I am grandchild less this week, I had high hopes of accomplishing great things around here. So much for that.
But, today I did get almost all of the sticky wallpaper paste removed from the walls in my little bathroom off the kitchen. It is almost complete 1950's green. Once it is ALL off, THGGM will paint it 'cornmeal' which looks to be a very pale and pleasing yellow.
My plan was to get it done before I went to bed tonight, but when I gripped my scraper I nearly fell over from the pain. Apparently, my hands/wrists cannot scrape all day AND all night. I know, I know.., whine whine whine. But it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to (and i sort of want to).
Isn't that a cute doll on the right? My beloved aunt made it for me! I LOVE it. I cannot wait until Jonge and Famke return, since I will now have a doll of my own to play with. I have named her "Hen". I just finished reading "The Egg and I" and - well - the hen is the boss.
Reading "The Egg and I" made me tired. Or maybe it was just that I was sick to begin with. Good grief. Chicken rancher's wives work very very hard. I loved the book, but my favorite line is the dedication: To My Sister Mary who has always believed that I can do anything she puts her mind to.
Tonight I shall begin reading "The Edge of Sadness" by Edwin O'Connor. I do plan to finish Mary Chesnut's book, but it is too heavy for my aching wrists. Actually, it's a heavy story emotionally, but somehow "The Edge of Sadness" doesn't sound light either.
I have an idea for my wee-folk. If I can find the time I want to make 25 of them to use as an advent calendar for Jonge and Famke. I have 25 small magnets left from my clothes pin idea, and an enamel pan lid to put them on.
Even though I was sick (has anyone else noticed how often i bring this up? hmmm.) I did manage to keep up on the daily stuff and even did some cleaning out of my closet. While putting a few articles of clothing into the cedar chest, I noticed that I still had a wool sweater that I thought I had sent to the thrift store. I hadn't. I felted it and it is appearing on things all though my house. One felted sweater cut into bits and pieces goes a looooong loooooooong way.
Last week when we were at the Taste of Home store, I picked up a couple of cookbooks. When I am on vacation I actually forget that I don't like to cook all that much. It's not that I HATE it, I just don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy, say, turning old clothes into toys or taking pictures of leaves. I even told myself before I walked in the door that I was NOT going to buy any more cookbooks. But, they spray something in the air their, and it told me that the reason I don't like to cook is that my dozens of great cookbooks are all sub par to the newer cookbooks that were on display all around the store. I know this because as I cradled a short stack of cookbooks to my chest, I really truly believed that I was going to cook and bake and play in my kitchen all this week. Truth be told, I did not. Tonight was the first time I actually made supper this week, and it came from a box (whole wheat pasta), a jar (spaghetti sauce) and a can (no salt green beans). As far as a meal goes, it was nothing to cheer about. But when I called THGGM in to eat (he had worked all day and was just then playing with his new leaf blower and rake) he looked overjoyed that this meal wasn't being handed to him through a drive up window.


Yvonne said...

Your randomness totally cracks me up!!! Thanks for iving me an early morning laugh!

Debra said...

Oh! Have your read more of Betty MacDonald's books? The Egg and I was my least favorite, actually--I think it was mostly the swearing and the way the Indians were spoken about. But if you liked that dedication then you would love her other book, Anybody Can Do Anything. It's all about her sister, Mary, and Betty doing whatever it took to survive in the 1930's. So hilarious! I also love Onions in the Stew and The Plague and I--I have all those books and read them over and over. Glad you are feeling better! Blessings, Debrs