Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Do YOU Ever Get Like This?

I am tired, achy, and in a very very bad mood.

No. You probably don't get like this.

Lacking is even the energy to post my thrift finds from Saturday on my Simply Thrift blog. Does that not show you how bad it is? Well. It certainly shows me.

Let's see..,

It is 8:45 pm. I have been up since 7:00. I'm still not dressed. No make-up. Even I scream when confronted by a mirror.

This was my day home alone and I had plans.

I need to make some Christmas cards and write a Christmas letter.

In the afternoon I ventured down into the basement where I noticed that THGGM removed wallpaper from the area that had been my sewing room, but isn't anymore. Isn't Christmas, like, coming? Aren't we, like, still not done with the bathroom off of the kitchen? Aren't we having, like, a couple dozen people over?

So, I wandered into my basements rooms, which look sad and forlorn as there are unused Christmas trees reaching out to me as I attempted to pass by. It almost felt like they were going to chuck apples at me, like those nasty trees in The Wizard of Oz.

On my work table I found the stamps and cards I had bought to make Christmas cards LAST YEAR, but never did. This kind of thing makes me really angry with myself. But, I gathered it all into my arms and carried it up to the dining room table. It's still there. I also left a trail behind me of the things I dropped but hadn't the strength to pick up.

Maybe I SHOULD write my Christmas letter tonight.

(hee. i just wrote one, but backed over it. you will NEVER know.)

Depression wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so depressing.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Now I shall go count my blessings.

But, I just had the need to be honest here.

Sometimes life is just hard.


MissKris said...

Dear, dear Judy...I SO hear you on this one. I don't even attempt to decorate any more. Not because of depression but because two of the busiest little boys in the world who are with me 11 hours a day, HA! We have so much going on right now behind the scenes that I can't share with the rest of the world I don't know which end is up right now. But, this too shall pass. Everything else that comes along, good or bad, always has. I refuse to believe there ISN'T light at the end of the tunnel. All things work out one way or another. Thank you for sharing the picture of #3...I showed it to Dear Hubby and we both had one of those "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" moments gazing at that precious new life. I'm glad it all turned out well for Daughter.

anonymous said...

Maybe it's the weather because I'm telling you I am feeling FOUL these days. I'm ornery, achey, feeling sorry for myself, contemplating moving away from my family, wish Christmas would just go away. I hope you feel better Judy. I hate being depressed and I'm really starting to feel it (and it's been a LONG time since I quit taking my meds - why NOW?)
Take care and try to relax. Everything will work out.


Anvilcloud said...

I am procrastinatingly unambitious about Christmas cards and letter too this year.

Debra said...

Judy--I hope you are feeling better today! Hey... How about making a New Year's family letter this year? Or making New Year's cards, instead? The world will not blow-up if you do not send out your cards before Christmas. Trust me--my cards get sent late all the time and we are all still here on Earth, aren't we? :)

Be good to yourself... put your feet up and just take a vacation. Yes, I said that... and yes, I am doing that myself. It's been a very emotional year for me and God is giving me a break this December. I deserve it--and you do, too! So be brave--follow Grace and let some things go if she tells you to...I dare you! :) Hugs, Debra

Melissa said...

I'm totally bah humbug...

I haven't made any gifts except the boxes I made to put them in.

I haven't wrapped anything not in my cloth bags that my MIL always returns to me or in the boxes I made.

The only decoration up is the magnetic advent nativity I made last year except we are now ten days behind and there are no nativity pieces on it.

The tree is up only because my husband helped me put it up on Saturday. It has half its lights on it and no decorations.

I have four-hundred dance photos to go through - so that is what i am doing.

Pat said...

Yep, sometimes life is just hard. No getting around it. I've been there and visit occasionally still. Your honesty will help you overcome, and we'll be praying for you too!
I bet your already making some sort of craft or Christmas decoration out of dryer lint by now, right?

daisymarie said...

I can't find energy to just address cards, I can't imagine making them, too. I'm not so sure anyone wants to hear about my very horrible, terrible, no good year.

Yvonne said...

I Hear You Sister - Hang in there.....

Marguerite said...

When I started reading your post "I am tired, achy, and in a very very bad mood.", I wondered if I'd been a guest blogger on Anybody Home and forgotten I wrote a post here.

Because I am tired, achy, and in a very very bad mood.

Sympathy and hugs. I pray we both feel better soon.

Heather Plett said...

Yup, have those days all to often. And nope, I'm not bothering to do Christmas cards or letters this year.