Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, December 05, 2008

I Get It Now

Today I am attempting to finish up with my decorating.
THGGM is not fond of decorating the tree, so he drags it up, making sure it lights up, and then he leaves.
This year we are putting up a much smaller tree, as we need the room. It's just not coming together as well as I'd hoped, so I keep plopping myself down on the couch to try to figure out how I can help the poor thing.
THGGM also explained something to me that I have clearly felt, but haven't been able to put into the precise words that he was able to.
The reason, he says, that he does not like Christmas decorating is that it makes such a mess, which since I only decorate in short intervals, must clutter up our already cluttered up abode for weeks.
Much to ponder there.
And to think that I was thinking how profoundly I have scaled back my decorating this year.
Anyway, I think I'll sit back for a minute, contemplate the tree and watch it snow out my window.
Then I'll move on to the kitchen where THGGM, last night, dumped out a coffee can full of screws and drill bits to look for a particular screw which upon having found it, left the contents of the can strewn all over the counter.
Truly, we are a match made in heaven.


anonymous said...

I have a nice little charlie brown tree you could use :)

Melissa said...

I don't think I ever noticed your label for these posts before - she rants in the passive aggressive way she does so well...

I love it and I love you even if you are passive aggressive... ;)

Yvonne said...

That is a beautiful picture! Especially if you don't have to go out in it!

Pat said...

Oh I wish my decorating were finished. Seems the desire is there but the flesh is arguing loudly to sit and watch a movie!
You two truly are a match made in heaven...you add spice to each others life!!

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