Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Everyone is busy this time of year, are they not?

I am hosting our family St. Nicholas Eve dinner on Friday.

This means there is much for me to be doing.

Just thought I would let you know that I am NOT doing that.


I keep getting 'ideas'.

I'm starting to think that the getting of ideas is my besetting sin.

While looking at the rag doll I made (the first one) I got the idea that she needed clothes that would be more 'huggable' for Famke.

This caused me to DROP EVERYTHING.

I fled to the basement where THGGM had just moved my sewing room to the other side, which meant that my crazy organization was even more crazy.

But, I found what I was looking for - on my first try!

An old cashmere sweater of THGGM.

Soon, Famke's dolly will sport a lovely cashmere sweater dress, with long sleeves.

My plan for the day was to launder and iron the linen napkins (hey. quit laughing. i MIGHT have done that.) But, do you know how CUTE a linen napkin apron would look on a doll wearing a cashmere sweater dress?

My afternoon will involve watching Jonge and Famke while Daughter goes to the OB doctor.

This means there just may be a nap in my future.

Just a few random thoughts:

Why hasn't the news informed me that Mumbai used to be called Bombay? That would help me place events in my mind.

Why did I mess up my sewing machine right at the point when I was catching on to the idea of making PRACTICAL things?

Why do I keep getting headaches?

"The Edge of Sadness" is truly a remarkable book. See? I remarked about it.

Things are bad when I resort to eating chocolate chips straight from the bag.

Things aren't bad, yet, but I could see where that might happen. Soon.

Now, where was I?

Oh, yes.

I was busy.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Chocolate chips out of the bag. If that's a sign, I'm in trouble. And St. Nicholas Day. My kids grew up celebrating that day (from Catholic school). Every year they caught me off guard as they headed off to bed the night before announcing, "I wonder what St. Nick will leave in my shoes tonight!"