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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy Day of Epiphany!

I've random thoughts on this Day of Epiphany, January 6th, 2009.

Today I hope to make a rather large dent in removing Christmas decor.

THGGM has requested that I leave up his favorite tree and some of the lit things.

My plan is to use them along with some wintery-feeling things.

Oh, what AM I saying? It always looks like a toy store after a tornado around here.

I LIKE that look. THGGM, not so much.

Once, when we had three young children, he arrived home from work and said - I KNOW we have children, but must it LOOK like it in here?

It must.


The New Year is going well for me.

I haven't sat down and written out resolutions, but I have made a few changes.

The number one change being that I am heading towards bed at 9:00 PM. Almost all that ails me could be a result of lack of sleep. Almost all. So, I thought I'd better start with that.

I start feeling tired at around 9:00 but that is the time I would sit down at my computer and read through my favorite blogs. Mostly, those blogs that show adorable vintage-y creations and thrift finds. Suddenly, I would not be tired anymore as I followed link after link - well, if you also do this, you know exactly what I mean.

From there I would begin a solo game of Pathwords. Then, Daughter started playing Pathwords and since her score was higher than mine - well - I just could not let that challenge go. Last week, THGGM thought he might like to give Pathwords a try, so I set him up. He is not a fan of the mouse I have on this computer, so I gave him a lesson on how it works with Pathwords, and would you believe it? I BEAT MY OWN HIGH SCORE - but on HIS account. Friends, this could not be! I spent many a late night trying to rectify that - and did, on New Years Eve.

Now, normally on New Years Eve I cannot stay awake past 10:30. On this New Year's Eve I was up past two. I still haven't surpassed Daughter's highest score.

So - this January anyway - I've plans to crawl into bed with a book shortly past nine. The last two night's I've read for awhile and slept for at least nine hours.

Today I put away all of my Christmas books and anthologies I have been reading at night. Of course, there were too many to read them all, but I did rather well. Presently I am reading "Riding the Bus with My Sister", by Rachel Simon, which my sister gave me for Christmas. I love it.

Someday, I shall come back and remember Christmas 2008. I took a great deal of pictures. I might even give a few more clues about why this Christmas will go down in family lore as the Poo Christmas of '08. Maybe. Let's just say it stems from FOUR separate incidences, only two occurring at my house, but all involving my immediate family, two of the four involving pets.

Daughter has a doctor's appointment today, which means that shortly Jonge and Famke will be arriving. That's good. All that sleep, and I could use a good nap with Famke. Got to get in as many as we can before the new one arrives.

Happy Twelve Drummer's Drumming' Day!

1 comment:

Anvilcloud said...

I never know what is the best approach to sleep. I think, for me, it's best to stay up late and sleep a bit late.