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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

English Country Garden

The very first song that I ever learned to play by ear on the piano was a simple little tune, but I have no clue where I picked it up. I had never known the words.

Often I would play it just to ask someone what it was.

No one knew.

Well, not that I asked HUNDREDS of people, I really don't know very many people.

But this is one of my very earliest memories.

I even remember that the piano that we had was sort of a pale gray color with flecks in it.

This week, while watching "The Wiggles" with Famke, they began singing a song that went:

"How many kinds of sweet flowers grow in an English country garden?"


Famke seemed really excited about it too.

Not that she understood.

Althouhg I do sometimes 'borrow' her keyboard to tap it out, so she was at least somewhat familiar with my need to bang out that tune from time to time.

Okay. So no one cares but me.

But just know that I am supremely happy to FINALLY know the name of the song after over forty-five years.

And the words? They do not ring a bell in the least. It was only the tune that I recalled.

Carry on.


anonymous said...

This will probably just reinforce your crush on Blue WIggle. Uhoh.
I'm glad you finally figured it out though! :)

Anvilcloud said...

Thanks. You've probably given me an ear worm. :)

Pat said...

In my short time of piano lessons as a youngster, I believe that was one of the songs I learned. I don't know the words either, but now that you've planted it in my head I will be humming it all day. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I believe the melody comes from something or other by Bach. And Alan Sherman did a marvelous parody aimed at suburban life.

"Why did we move here?"
"Don't you remember?
To live in sweet sim-pli-city."