Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday Is It?

Often on Fridays I find myself wondering why I wanted it to BE Friday all week long.

Fridays around here are not all that fun.

Machines are humming a happy tune, making dirty things clean and all that, but still. It is I who must prompt them to do their singing.

It took me over an hour just to pick up and sort all of the fun Jonge, Famke and I had in the living room all week.

I am STILL looking for three dice (die? dye? dices?) and a small thin blue triangle and a small thick yellow triangle. Were could they be? The living room isn't all that big.

I should not be surprised. The 'Baby Jesus in the manger' figure hasn't shown up yet. I'm not putting the rest of the nativity away until it's found.

Although I did find a pacifier that has been missing for over a month, and half of a peeled orange.

And just to keep it all interesting, my dear old cat did TWO separate nasty things on my kitchen floor. I don't think he is doing so well lately. At this precise moment he would be delighted (his glazed green eyes tell me) if I would feed him. I'm not too eager to do that quite yet. Were there homes for aged cats, old Uncle Barb would be there.

Next on my list is to break for lunch.

My FAVORITE ever Friday lunch.

Two mugs of coffee and a bowl of popcorn.

Do I know how to live, or what?

(or what. i know, i know...)

1 comment:

jo@blog-diggidy said...

hhhmmmm...i too am from west michigan!! two cups of coffee and popcorn sound great about now!! thinking about going and getting some!! ;)