Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Good Time Was Had By All

This afternoon THGGM and I drove out to Grand Haven. We did succeed in beating the crowds.
Dinner was at Snug Harbor. Yum. I go there for the appetiser. But the rest of the food was great, too.

THGGM thinks its weird that I am taking a picture of my food. One would think that after 32 years he would have resigned himself to this. But, no. He has not.

He did point out the sailboat, seen from our water front window view. Everyone else was eating outside on the deck, we had the entire inside to ourselves. Have I ever mentioned that I just cannot DO crowds? Oh? I have.
After dinner we walked the pier. Such a LOVELY day for that! The water was a bit choppy.
And, we had ice cream at Temptations. I had the raspberry chip, THGGM had the orange sorbet.
I'd brought along a book so would have been happy to sit at the beach until the Musical Fountain started, but THGGM did not bring a book and he has an unusual hatred for the Musical Fountain which defies description.

So, we happily climbed into our car to drive home. On the trip out we took the scenic route (Leonard Street), on the way home we got on the highway and spent a very very looooong time in a traffic jam. I took A LOT of pictures to stave off boredom. Road workers, road signs, farms, deer - stuff like that. And, THGGM's shorts.
I'm excited for him to wear these out. Because, whenever that happens, I attempt to turn them into something new - for me. And, I especially like these.

He thinks I'm weird. He doesn't come right out and say it. But I can tell.

Okay. I am.
OH! And I forgot to mention what THGGM did to me on the scenic ride TO Grand Haven.
Have I mentioned lately about how I get these weird joint swellings that move around from place to place with no warning, bother me for a few weeks, and then move on? I'm sure I have. Or, maybe I just told someone else this. Anyway.., my hip and foot are fine now, but presently it's my left wrist and knee that are all messed up. So, as we are tooling along enjoying the sights that are Lamont and Eastmanville out of the blue he SLUGS ME ON MY LEFT KNEE. Can you believe it? I could not. He had seen an old VW Bug. Remember Slug-Bugs? Sometimes I need to stop and remind him that we are no longer fifteen. We are 52 and 51.
Oh, well. My knee only hurt WORSE when he hit it, but it didn't make walking any harder than it already was.
And, you know me. Not one to complain.
Anyway.., we are home now and he is reading the book I brought along.
He's a good man. And I hear they're hard to find.


Lisa in Texas = ) said...

I totally enjoyed reading about your adventures today! Had a few good laughs too - you are such a talented writer!
Lisa :o)

Mary Ann said...

Loved reading this. You two are so cute!

MissKris said...

There is a restaurant on Portland's Willamette River waterfront called Harborside and I've had the privilege to eat there twice...both as birthday 'gifts' from friends. Otherwise, the prices are so out-of-my-range I wouldn't be able to tell you what I'm telling you now...that it's fabulous! The restaurant is built in tiers so every table, no matter where you sit, has a gorgeous riverfront view. They have excellent food. For some reason, this post triggered that memory...maybe it was from the photo of your food, haha! And, oh...I know what you mean about the pains coming! Some mornings when I wake up my hand/finger joints are so stiff and sore I wonder if I'll be able to use them thru the day! Buttons on little boy jeans and shorts are especially troublesome. And when I mosey on down to the basement at 4 in the morning to do laundry? I may not hobblewobble but I do hobblecreak. With our life-average up around 80 as women...well, I dunno if I want another 30 years if this is only going to get worse, ha! I feel your pain!!!! And I would love love love to be neighbors in Heaven, my dearest hobblywobbly friend! (((((HUG)))))

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog, and being of a similar age to you (ahem), I really enjoyed it.

Are you CERTAIN you don't have Lyme Disease? Just wondered. Those joint pains make me wonder. Of course, I am no doctor, and I am sure it could be lots of things.

Susan (far from your part of the country)