Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, June 18, 2010

It Was a GOOD Day

Today it was just me and Jonge. I picked him up at his house at 8:00.

We made cookies.
We ate cookies.

Next we went downstairs into MY rooms in the basement.
We made stuff! I'm not sure what it IS, but we certainly did make stuff - stuff involving cutting and gluing and using stuff with teeny tiny pieces. You know, ALL the things we can't have out with the little siblings present.
Then, we went back to the kitchen and made soap! THAT was GREAT fun. Jonge got to be the one who cut the 'melt and pour' soap and put it into the bowl. We embedded things in our soap. A Sponge Bob Square Pants and a gold fish were molded into bags to look like something one would buy out of an aquarium. We also made two soaps (using baby food containers as molds) with a small plastic alligator in one and a seashell in the other one. They are nicely scented with essential oils.

For lunch we had peanut butter sandwiches AND chicken noodle soup.

Then we went back downstairs and made MORE stuff. I made the puppet because he insisted that my puppets are better than his. I do not believe this to be true, but he was having so much fun with the Silly Putty...

After we squeezed all the fun we could out of the glue, we watched an episode of Caillou. In the basement. It's great fun to go into the basement, because we never go there when I have all three kids. Too much up and down the stairs for this old Beppe.
I found some wool and cut out a new romper for my doll, Jack. That came upstairs with us so I could hand sew it where there is adequate light.
We played the Bob the Builder Memory game (which, he won. of course. what's a memory? i probably used to know what that was, but i forgot.) and made fun designs out of some little colorful wooden pieces made especially for that purpose.
Both of us were tired. Doing whatever one wants to do for an entire day will do that.
At 4:30 he willingly took a nap.
Pake arrived home at 6:00 with pizza. They went out together to get ice cream.
For the rest of the evening Jonge was Pake's boy. They get along just fine without any interference from me.

1 comment:

MissKris said...

Dylan loves Caillou too. Wish I had Sprout network but PBS has to do. A 4:30 nap?! Oh my, our two would bounce off the walls 'til midnite if they took one that late. Lucky you.