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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, November 05, 2010

I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For

I had a different idea for a blog post for today, but that was before I woke up.
Today I am thankful for Zeke, my dog of nearly two months.
I needed a dog. For many reasons, a few of them are that I wanted someone to talk to, run ideas by, and to let in and out ALL DAY LONG. Okay. Well two out of three isn't bad.
Sometime this morning, between the unbelievably early hour that THGGM left the house for work and the believable hour that I woke up, Zeke vomited.
Last night I had to pull bits of a paper towel out of his mouth so I wasn't TOO surprised.
The icky part is that it happened when he was in bed with me. Of course, I did not KNOW this, because I was asleep. I didn't know what had happened until I got up and saw it.
The thankful part is that he had the intelligence to hang his head over the side of the bed before he let it fly.
Yes. I know this is gross. But I spend a lot of my time looking for happy little reasons to be thankful, and this? This is one of those happy little reasons. It could have been a whole lot worse.


Karen said...

You certainly have a talent for finding the silver lining:)

I wonder if I'm the only one who sings the title of these posts (Holiday Inn with Fred Astaire?) Is that what you're thinking, too?

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

My two small dogs have left me those kinds of presents too.
Home Sweet Home! :0)

Marguerite said...

i've actually been know to say out loud, "Oh good. He threw up." Because getting stuff-they-shouldn't-have-eaten up and out is much better than an expensive trip to the vet.

It's no wonder that non-dog lovers don't understand us.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL!! You are, my dear, what is referred to as an OPTIMIST, a certifiable member of the sunny-side up club. I just knew it!! You're right though...it could have been worse. My dear dog who has gone on now, loved chocolate. He didn't get the memo that it was hazardous to him. I was preparing to do a ladies talk on how important our words are..to illustrate the point, I found these tiny rainbow towers of chocolates. The idea was that words are like gifts, and we can unwrap them again and again. Well, I returned back after being gone to find half of the box eaten. That dog was a house dog..living in the house 24/7. I called the vet. Nothing ever happened that we observed. BUT the next spring I was out working my flower beds, and the craziest thing...all sorts of little wads of red, green, blue, purple and yellow tin foil was underneath the snow. THAT also could have been much worse. :-)

Take extra good care,