My intentions were never to cover ALL that I'm thankful for, but I did cover a few things.
And with today being the last day of November and all, I would be remiss were I not to include my thanks for The Husband God Gave Me, aka THGGM.
I could just say he's a peach and leave it at that. Which reminds me, when I do call him a peach to his face, I always add that it includes that hard pit where a heart is supposed to be. This makes him laugh.
We've been married for 32 1/2 years and dated for four years before that, so to say we know each other well is an understatement. Quite possibly, we know each other TOO well.
One time, many years ago, someone we knew quite well had it in for THGGM. They wrote down a list of horrible horrible things about him. The only one I can remember now is "He has a proud look". Apparently this was thought to be the Biblical equivalent to "He is an axe murderer". I remember THGGM reading it and saying - I have a proud look? What do I have to be proud of?! We live in an old house in the inner city, drive a light blue station wagon (or whichever car we had at the time), I work as an assistant manager with part time jobs besides, and I am literally a bastard. Which of those do you think give me a "proud look"?
I remember taking the list from him and reading it myself. My thoughts, which of course I chose to express (i'm sensitive like that) were - I know WAAAY more horrible horrible things about you than this, and I still love you.
And this is what he has to put up with me. At least what I'm willing to SHARE about what he has to put up with me.
For the past several years he has actually had to be both of us. Someday maybe there will be a diagnostic name for this 'whatever' I'm experiencing. Be it agoraphobia, anxiety, panic, migraines, transient pains, hormone death, depression, it's greatest fallout doesn't land on me, it lands on him. And he does it all without complaining.
Maybe that's the key to success in our marriage. We know all the stinky crap about each other and still choose to love.
I am thankful for THGGM.
Yes. Yes, I am.
I think he looks cuddly - not proud.
Kind of teddy-bearish.
I'm sure he's proud of you.
That's definately the meaning of LOVE!
Many more years to you both. :0)
Thanks for keeping it real Judy. This is a beautiful depiction of true love. Love chooses to love, despite, as well as because of....
I'm so glad to know that you and your peach of a hubby have a wonderful family and those precious grandbabes!
Here's to true love, and the fruit of a life well-lived,
I love this. :) I feel the same way about my husband... I always say, it's not the couple who are perfect for each other, it's their quirks that have to get along. :)
Yikes, Judy! Do you think it's mostly a menopausal whatever that you're going through? Sounds dreadful--and it sounds familiar, too! heh.
A few years ago I went through something similar, though not with headaches. But I did an awful lot of hibernating and then I finally began looking into nutrition and eating for my blood type, yada, yada, and almost immediately I began to notice good changes!
I mean, I even discovered that when I eat oatmeal (that good-for-yu food!) I turn into a cranky old witch. Really. So it's those little changes which have added up bigtime for me and keep me sane.
ANYWAY, the whole reason I dropped by here was to tell you that in my post today yours was one of the homemaking blogs I spoke of. You are a blessing! ...Debra
I can relate to this so well. I can't imagine anyone putting up with me like Nelson has. His life has had so many downs we refer to his cousin Job, but when it comes to his love for me, I call him Hosea.
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