St. Nicholas Eve 2010 was a success!
The food was excellent.
Kado went from chair to chair until he found one that was 'just right'.
In the secret places of my heart I wish for a camera that would take good pictures in ambient lighting.
But, at least I have a bit of help in remembering how things looked.
It looked like this. Only better.
THGGM likes to point out that buffets are supposed to serve the purpose of holding the food.
Sorry. I have stuff to display.
A fabulous Nativity which Jonge, Famke, and Kado adored.
And a 'record a story' book of "The Night Before Christmas". They liked that also.
Sometimes it's a good idea to get a child's perspective.
We are giants to them.
The pregnant mother was tired.
Missing from the festivities was DiL2, who had to work. She was very missed.

Missing from the festivities was DiL2, who had to work. She was very missed.
Famke and Kado danced for us. It's what they do.
And, lest I forget, I'm posting the menu here. It was so good that I think we shall do the same thing next year.
Shrimp/Cocktail Sauce
Green Bean Casserole
Butternut Squash
Cheesy Potatoes (in crock-pot)
Cornbread/Sausage Stuffing
Ham (studded with cloves, pineapple, basted with brown sugar and pineapple juice)
Pumpkin Roll
Pecan Pie
Peppermint Stick Ice Cream
I'm not familiar with St Nicholas Eve--is this an Orthodox tradition? Looks like a wonderful time and I absolutely LOVE the idea of scrabble pieces for name places. I'm going to steal that idea! By the way, I see some Yorktown Pfaltzgraf pieces on your windowsill...I have a huge collection and they are our everyday dishes. I bought 80% of them at thrift stores! Your grands are adorable!!!
Just spent some time researching St Nicholas Eve.
Never to old to learn. :0)
Your pictures are just fine.
Everything looks homey and warm.
Home Sweet Home is at your house.
Beautiful, warm, loving, memorable...all these words and more describe your home.
These are the things that make life so sweet.
How wonderful to have a nativity that they can touch. Ours was always hands off when I was growing up and I haven't ever found one I wanted since we got married--that's 32 years. Perhaps I'm being too picky.
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