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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Good-bye Weekend

Here is a picture of the very handsome Jonge (who looks just like his father) for you to view while I tell you about my weekend.  Don't worry.  It won't take long.

Friday night we had pizza with all the grand kids and their mommies.  We will take any chance we get to see these guys.

On Saturday THGGM did manly things in the morning.  I'm not exactly sure what, but he did tell me with delight that our transmission fluid still looks like new, although it isn't.

After all that he picked up Jonge and they went out to lunch and to see the new Madagascar movie.  They had a wonderful time together.  Although when THGGM got home he rather sheepishly told me that during the movie Jonge poked him and told him to stop snoring.  Apparently, THGGM was snoring LOUD.

Somewhere in the weekend that was I managed to go to one thrift store where I found the most incredible deal on a gumball machine.  That made me VERY happy.  I've already given it to Youngest Son, who was happy to have it.  My other finds were a piano book of classics, a ball of crochet cotton, and a book of letters from Stonewall Jackson to his wife.  The book is very interesting, as it puts him into such a different light.

Today I spent some time at Michael's Craft Store.  It was painful, but I bought something without a coupon. My total came to $6.01 so I guess that isn't too bad.  Although what IS bad is that I cannot remember what I got.  Except for a tiny bag of six tiny Christmas trees.

Tonight THGGM made tacos and I made guacamole.  While he looked through a magazine,and I played Scrabble on Facebook with all three of my children we watched the Tiger's beat the Yankees.

The fall colors around here are just GORGEOUS this year.  Even today's torrential rains could not take away from the beauty of it all.

Have I mentioned lately that I love fall?  I LOVE fall!


Rebecca said...

Gumball machine, huh? We used to have one of those....wonder where it went? Our weekend was filled with rummaging and fun finds. Today, I'm delivering a hanging shelf I found to someone who will pay me $10 for it. That should cover it and all the OTHER purchases I made at a church rummage sale :)

Trees/colors were beautiful here, too...until the strong winds (then rain and more winds) came. May be nothing left. I'll see when the sun comes up.

MissKris said...

ME TOO!!!! Oh my...you should've seen the colors in western Ontario...oh my my. Even tho it was cloudy and rainy they still shone thru. Almost rivaled the UP...but that's the keyword...ALMOST!

Anonymous said...

Jonge! Handsome boy.
It's been fun to see all the school age grands visit your blog once again this week.
All the grands are grand!
I love fall too. The colors are great.

Take extra good care,