Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hertsje and Feintsje

These two.

I took the pictures yesterday, on the day Hertsje turned eight months old.

They are just BOTH so very sweet!

Their personalities are so different, but sweetness oozes from both of them.

And they both like to play  ball.  Together.  Already.

Spending time watching the traffic go by makes both of them happy.

Feintsje like to throw their binkies (pacifier, peeper, plug) behind the couch.

If you ever drive past my house and see my body smashed up against the picture window, it means I was reaching for a binky, but have fallen and can't get up.  Call  911.

I am rather sure that in the picture below Hertsje is telling Feintsje that once she gets just a bit more upper body strength she is planning to throw him behind the couch.  Of course, you can figure out his response by the look on his face.


Anonymous said...

To me it looks like Feintsje is giving up on his blinkie (over here called a fopspeen, meaning a make believe n and ipple, already. never, ever be tempted to bind the blinkie to a cord, the child might strangle itself! Well, it surely must mean you vacuum behind the couch very often grin grin They surely speak each others language DM

Debra said...

Aww... they're both adorable and I do love hearing about your kiddy days! Blessings, Debra

Melissa said...

such fun - be careful - it might be a long time before i drive by to see you stuck against the window - she has such lovely eyes.

Tournesol said...

Oh my goodness, they couldn't be any cuter : )