Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

And Then There Was Thursday

Hertsje and I had a lovely morning playing with the doll babies.  After I hugged them,
 she kissed them all soundly and put them to bed.

But what to do while they slept?

Climb into the block box!

Now you know, and I know, and I'm sure that even Hertsje knows that it is NOT comfortable to sit on top of a pile of blocks.

But she was determined to do it anyway.
And this is me late this afternoon.  I had just gotten two teeth pulled.  When I got home I took two vicodin, put an ice bag on my check, and promptly fell to sleep.  But SOMEONE, who shall remain nameless but whose initials are THGGM kept calling me.  Obviously, this woke me up.

As far as the extractions went, it wasn't too bad.  Three cheers for modern dentistry!

And I am so very excited to see what the tooth fairy puts under my pillow tonight.


Anonymous said...

In this picture you look like my mom...............=)

Anonymous said...

In this picture you look like my mom...............=)

suzi f.

Alice said...


Mary said...

You can say goodbye to that toothache! I hope you did rest well and heal quickly. Hertsje is adorable as always. I never know if I get the spelling right....

Anonymous said...

sometimes I would like to do that: put icecubes on my checks! Well, allright, you made your point, that was the old mini laptop and it surely was too small for you. Althouh=gh, it is still cold over here (just saw some snowflakes drifting by and it is just above zero Celsius, (had to free my minipu[ond from ice ti[o rescue the fishies in there)I do not know I would like to put ice to my cheek, just putting my head outside the door would do the trick just as easy, provided I keep my mouth closed. Get well soon and have a wonderfull Easter. DM

Judy said...

Oh, my checks have been on ice for a very loooong time now. Cheeks. I meant cheeks. Someone should stop me from typing while on Vicodin. At other times, I'm just not all that bright either.