Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

From a Boost Bottle

It was a lovely day here in my little world.

I was awakened by Jonge, who had spent the night with us, offering to make me coffee. If that isn't the best way to start a Saturday, I don't know what is.

Anyway.., most of my afternoon and evening I spent turning a Boost bottle into a snowman.

I get these ideas in September, and by the time the holidays are upon me I either forget what I've started or I think it looks weird.

But I DO really like this prototype that I made up today.

Jonge help a bit with giving me ideas.  The belt with the button was his idea - I made it using my knitting doll.  He also suggested that I surround the snowman with the Fisher Price Little People so it would look like THEY made it.  I actually think that is brilliant, but I haven't  tried it yet.  The hat in this picture is from my first attempt.  I like it, but it seems a bit too floppy.  I've made three since then that look more like a bowler hat.  Jonge thought the snowman bottles would work well filled with M&M's to give as teacher gifts at Christmas.  OR, with hot chocolate mix and a candy cane in the snowman's hand.  Jonge is VERY creative.

Next up I'm going to try sticking bits of masking tape on one of the bottles, then rubbing it with a light colored stain or some cream colored shoe polish (do they even MAKE cream colored shoe polish?).  That one will have a wool hat and scarf, and button eyes.  At least that is how I'm imagining it now.  I've still not decided what to do about a nose.

I got on line to write something TOTALLY different from this post.  How does that happen?

Oh, well.  There's always tomorrow....


Anvilcloud said...

I am sure you and your crafts give a good boost to the holiday season. :)

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

You are "clever!" :0)
Imaginations .....are :the best!"

Anonymous said...

That is not a snowman, but his wife, snowwoman, with her Sunday hat on. DM

Anonymous said...

It's not a snowman without a carrot nose!