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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Ten Random Thoughts about My Weekend

These pictures have nothing to do with this post.  Just some cute kids I know!

Let's see..., can I come up with 10 things from my weekend?  Maybe I can!

Well, I cannot remember Friday evening although I KNOW we did something - such a mystery is forgetfulness.

1.  On Saturday morning we met the kids for breakfast to celebrate THGGM's birthday.  Now we are both 55.  Maybe now he will understand why I am so tired all the time.

2.  Both of us are amazed at how we could go out for breakfast with six children and they could all be so well-behaved.

3.  Next we were off to our usual Saturday adventures.  At my local thrift store I found a dress.  Two weeks earlier I found shoes (Naturalizers no less!) so now I am all set to go somewhere.  Where, I do not know.  But I could. 

4.  Nothing else very exciting happened in the afternoon.  THGGM relaxed on the porch while I chose to turn on the A/C and complain about how extremely muggy it was.  Because it was.

5.  Daughter and Son-in-law purchased a van and picked it up on Saturday.  So we went to their house to see it.  It is very nice.  I've never owned a van, never even wanted to, but I think that may have been because I hadn't seen THIS van.  It is very nice.  Soon they shall be traveling to Florida in it for vacation and a family wedding.

6.  As we were leaving Daughter offered us a Younker's coupon that expired that day.  She had been shopping and couldn't find what she was looking for (wedding clothes for little boys).  Certainly you can guess where we went next.  To Younker's!  I found what I am sure is going to become my favorite shirt EVER, and also a pair of jeans.

7.  These jeans are Laura Ashley.  I'd like to tell Laura Ashley something.  Just because I can wear jeans THREE SIZES SMALLER than I normally would wear, it does not mean that I have lost any weight.  Stop selling clothes in such strange sizes.  It does not make me feel any better about my very large self to buy smaller sized clothes.  I am not an idiot.  It's not like when I go to the doctor next Monday and he weighs me and gasps that I have gained weight even while taking those magic pills he prescribed for me - which in fact actually did not cause me to lose any weight even though he said they would - that I will be able to appeal to him by saying "But my jeans are three sizes smaller than the last time I was here!"  But since they were on sale and I had a fabulous coupon, I now have brown jeans.  Yes.  Brown is my new favorite color.  Right after blue.

8.  I am saddened to report that "Keeping Up Appearances" was not on Saturday night.  This caused me to have to watch a previously DVR-ed HGTV show.  I don't know which one as they are all starting to blur together.  I know.  I know.  I suffer more than most...

9.  It was cold and rainy today.  THGGM suggested that we drive to our favorite Douglas antique mall in the afternoon.  Even in the rain it was a lovely drive.  The color is fantastic this year.  It's such a big mall that one could wander around in it for hours.  But surprisingly we made it through in only an hour and a half.  I found another metal shovel for my collection and I also found a pair of wooden shoes for Kado.  He has been complaining that his don't fit anymore (he thinks there is something wrong with them, because they USED TO fit just fine) so I'm guessing there will be a lot of klomping going on around here tomorrow.  THGGM drove the back roads home through gorgeous farmland.  Michigan is such a beautiful state.  I am thankful to live here.

10.Tonight I crocheted a few more scarves for my snowman bottles.  The cough that I have been blaming on the golden rod I found growing in my backyard has rev-ed itself up.  I find coughing to be exhausting.  But at least I can cough and crochet at the same time.  Sort of.

And now the weekend is over.  I am drinking my tea and am about to grab my Kindle and head off to bed to read more about Jane Austin.  Which reminds me, I am also thankful that I have never had to go to a ball.  I already know that I would not have like it.  Even though I have a dress and shoes...


Yvonne said...

I have to plan and attend the Lilac Ball every year...it gets old.

Rebecca said...

A few pictures, please....like of your new brown jeans and the shovel????

We were hugely disappointed that Keeping Up Appearances wasn't on last week, too. Our VAcation has turned into a STAYcation due to family "emergencies", so it was quite disruptive to our Saturday night routine NOT to watch K.U.A.

We recently shared a table in a restaurant with friends and spent most of the meal throwing out plots of our favorite K.U.A. episodes. It sure was fun to just say a word or two and have instant and shared chuckles....

Hey, the photos were sweet as usual.
Hope your week is as much fun as always :)

Tournesol said...

Sounds like a good weekend to me! And I am often forgetting what I did on the weekend too, can be kind of embarrassing when people ask and I don't remember!

Anonymous said...

Think you so much for mentioning the golden rods! I could not figure what caused my blurry eyes, sneezing 23 times in succession at hurricane speed and a mildly sore throad. Never suspected the golden rods, but a few days after them starting to set seed it was over, I am not allergic, just very sensitive (the allergy is not showing up in bloodzzamples, so it is not an allergy officially) Do you also react to the Holly in bloom? I do! Or sloe(trees) and the likes shedding pollen, bingo, sneezing. Two years ago I sneezed until my nose started to bleed, a horrible story but something dried up in there managed to cut a small bloodvessel, yuk. I love KUA also, Onslow is hilatious, Daisy a doll, Hyacinth, well, I could not wish for he as a neighbour, although she has a good heart when somebody needs it, and Rose, I would like to give her a spanking from time to time. I love Elizabeth and her brother and the always absent sister with the swimming pool and the pony, well, she is Hyacinths glory. My friend since 1969, she and i were in opposite hospitalbeds for fur weeksn, never allowed out of the bed while curing a very broken foot do KUA hilarious moments. I love the clog - wooden shoe in Daisy's appartment. I also quite often say this: I must admit, he is fast (spoken by the ugly beast about the cat Lucky, loved that series too. Yes, something must be wrong with the clogs when they don't fit anymore, slearly they have shrunk from dancing in waterpooles! DMnothls

Anonymous said...

That was four weeks in hospitalbeds and the series and beast were called ALF. DM