Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, March 20, 2020

I Had A Dream

So, lucky you, no pictures since I've yet to learn how to bring my camera along in my dreams.

THGGM has weird, wild, active dreams.  He is on a medication that causes this.  One night last week I swear he "worked" all night long, answering phones, helping customers, and typing on his computer - which was actually me.  That's an odd feeling to wake up from, but I'm getting used to it.

I'm curious if weird dreams are something one can catch, as two nights ago I had one.
It didn't start out as a dream.  I was actually wide awake.  When that happens to me, it's my habit to think of something I remember from the past, so I was thinking of the old boarding house we lived in when we first got married.  Over the course of seven years, we lived in both the upstairs and the downstairs.  In my mind I was meandering through the rooms of both apartments.  My thoughts left me wondering why we didn't think anything AT ALL of living in the upstairs apartment with an outside open stairway.  During horrible winter weather, we carried babies up and down those stairs, yet I remember never giving it a bit of thought.  No one ever fell.
The house was on a corner.  Strangely, I could not remember the name of the side street our dirt driveway was off of.  AND SUDDENLY I JUST HAD TO KNOW!  I worked my way through the alphabet several times and NOTHING.  After awhile THGGM stirred, so I asked him, you know, like one does in the middle of the night.  He was no help.  A few suggestions were given, but nothing that sounded familiar at all.
I thought I had it narrowed down to starting with the letter N, but couldn't get any further than that.
Eventually, I fell asleep.  But even in my sleep, my brain was working to figure out the name of that side street!  In my dream I was in the upstairs apartment with friends, asking them if THEY remembered the name, as we could not quite read the street sign on the corner from the window.  More name guesses were bandied about when suddenly I remembered it and yelled out "TAMPON!"
Yes!  Everyone agreed with me and we were all overcome with joyful emotion to finally know what the name was!
And then I woke up.
The name of the street came to me then.  It is Taplin.
Because, who would ever name a street Tampon?
Minds are amazingly weird things, as are dreams.
If it hadn't been for that dream, in which I ALMOST figured out the right name, I would have had to Google it.
This was more fun.

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