Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Today Is Monday. All Day Long.

I've set this day aside to get stuff back in order around here.

Saturday we bought 3 bookcases, so I can get serious about organizing my books. Target had them on sale, and I hope they are good. They didn't cost much, but yet I'm hopeful. They are HEAVY. THGGM set them in the front entryway, and I cannot move them. Good help is hard to find.

This is THGGM busiest week so far since he has been working out of town. So, we cast aside all thought of accomplishing anything at all but furthering our relationship this weekend. This is always done best at antique malls and restaurants.

Fixing my broken vacuum didn't fall under that category. So, this morning I set out to fix it myself. I've gotten pretty good at vacuum repair, but gave it up for a bit after my work vacuum went snap, crackle, pop and FLASH and would have singed my eyelashes, but I wear glasses. The smell was frightening.

Anyway, back to MY vacuum! I could tell that it was not picking up properly, but I could not figure out why. Everything that should whir and spin was whirring and spinning. I noticed that there was a spot where the hose begins that looked depressed (takes one to know one). Yup. That was it. I could not get the wire in that area to stay, as the suctioning of the vacuum caused it to collapse. This is probably why THGGM couldn't find anything wrong, as it worked okay for awhile before it clamped itself tightly closed.

So, I set about to do surgery. This would be such an easy task if we had a 'tool chest'. Oh wait. We do. But, THGGM uses it in the garage. We got a different car. It's bigger. While entering the garage and carefully making sure that the garage door wasn't going to smash down on the back of the car, I hit the 'tool chest' (ugly old dresser) and knocked it over. Well, not all the way over, but so that if I lift it back up, all of the drawers filled with tools would fall out. I'm still looking for someone to push the drawers in while I stand it upright. (sometimes i do believe my only hope may rest in baby boy).

Anyway, back to my long boring story. I had to hunt for craft tools. I found my jewelry wire cutter, scissors and duct tape. I have a GRAY vacuum. Isn't most duct tape gray? Of course it is! BUT the gray stuff must be in the tool chest, so I had to repair the vacuum with metallic looking blue duct tape. I had to snip the hose in two separate places and turn the sharp ends in. I wound enough tape around it that it should hold throughout eternity, where and when I will most likely still be vacuuming.

And I am happy to report, IT WORKS!

I did it! No men involved!

My next project will involve a search for the bolts that would hold up the table in my art room, if only THGGM could remember where he put them when he took it apart. He says he put them in a cup. I haven't found THAT cup yet. It could be anywhere. I have several projects waiting for that table to get back together. If I don't find those bolts soon, I will give the blue duct tape a try. It might work.

After that, I'm going domestic and will make chocolate chips cookies.


acp said...

did you get the chocolate chip cookies baked?

Melodee said...

You rock!

Judy said...

I DO rock! And, I made the cookies. Chocolate chocolate chip with coconut.