Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Here I will attempt to gather the twenty coherent thoughts I had while caring for Baby Boy today.


1. It really should not thunderstorm in February in West Michigan.
It's just too weird. And, when it does, people should bring their dogs inside.

2. The diaper genie is by far a greater wonder of the world than those more well known ones.

3. I am sure that anyone who has beheld the face of a smiling, giggling, squirming six week old could absolutely not deny the existance of God.

4. Soap Operas are from the pit of hell.

5. Why can't 50% of the news be reserved for uplifting stories? Why?

6. Harrison Ford is dull as a hammer. I LOVE his acting, but he should just give up doing interviews. Although, Martha Stewart, whose interviews cause me to break out in itchy hives, did very well with him today, IMHO.

7. Do extremely weird people not know they are extremely weird? Should we tell them? I am weird, but not yet to the extreme, or so I've been told.

8. I don't have a cell phone anymore. I probably should. But then, there are many times when I don't want anyone to find me.

9. My sister ripped up the card in the Candy Land game that sent you back to the beginning. She found that this saved her family a lot of unnecessary tears. I found this to be brilliant, and wish I had thought of it myself! Now, if I could just find that card in MY LIFE I would rip it up myself and throw it away.

10. I would like a chance to prove that money cannot by happiness. Could I maybe get a grant to study this?

11. Have you been to the ER lately? There are lots of sick people, and surprisingly, most of them are not old.

12. On many occasions, I have found dogs to be better companions than people. That is, if you don't mind having your ears licked.

13. I feel sad for women who do not have daughters.

14. Sometimes, a relationship just cannot be fixed. It seems like this should not be true. It has to do with the difference between a 'goal' and a 'desire'. One cannot have a 'goal' of fixing a relationship, because one can only be responsable for ones own end of it. I can 'desire' it, and do. Thank you, Larry Crabb.

15. Why do dogs who otherwise smell just fine, stink so terribly when wet?

16. Too many skunks live in my neighborhood. This is frightening to me. Once, a neighbor told THGGM that he saw a mother skunk and her babies waddle single file under the tool shed in the parking lot. I didn't go back there for a full year. At least once a week I smell a skunk, at it is close.

17. Try as I may, I cannot understand how someone could have a child in their 40's still living with them. It seems like it should fall under the catagory of 'cruel and unusual punishment' for everyone involved. Yet, I can think of quite a few people with this arrangement.

18. If I think too deeply about how a digital camera works, my head starts to throb. And NO, do not try to explain it to me, as I don't care THAT much!

19. Nothing smells better than a baby's head. Nothing. Not line dryed laundry, cinnamon rolls, or roses.

20. I read to my six week old grandson. He loves it! He also loves it when I sing, although, he is the only one who does. He likes to look at the pictures, and even smiles at them. He also prefers the singing of Martin Luther's "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" to "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" - and I really get into the EIEIO's. Even then, Martin wins.

And to think, these were my coherent thoughts...

1 comment:

daisymarie said...

I just sat here and chuckled...oh my! Thank you.