Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

He's Not Sorry

Well, well, well.
We have entered a new phase at our house.
A glasses snatcher is on the loose.
He is a wily little fellow with extremely fast and sticky little hands.

He doesn't stop with just the glasses either.
Earrings, watches, even moles.
Anything that doesn't 'please' his visual palate.
Maybe he is just getting revenge on Grandpa for those industrial strength cowlicks he inherited from him.


Goslyn said...

Ah, we have a no glasses, no hair rule at our house. If the Tominator even so much as reaches towards glasses or hair, he is immediately put down on the floor. Rinse, lather, repeate as necessary. It has cut down on the behavior considerably.

Judy said...

Thanks, Goslyn.

If we don't impliment the rule, WE will have no hair or glasses at our house!

MissKris said...

Yup, the Little Man's been snatching at my glasses for the past month or so. I remember the first time he was sitting on my lap and saw his reflection in the lenses...utter absorption, lol! He's got 8 teeth now and isn't shy about using them, either...but Grandma's determined to stop the biting habit before it gets very far!!!

Tournesol said...

the second picture is priceless, the expression on both their faces says it all!