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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Little By Little

Today I feel like I am at least making some progress.
My trees are all where I want them to be, although they are still naked.
I spent a lot of time on the light in the dining room.
For several years the window held all of my glassware, but I missed the 'kid' look, so am looking for some place safe to store my glassware.
This year I am going for the isolated vignette look.
THGGM is in charge of the mantle. At first, I did not like it at all. I almost cried. But, it is growing on me. Although, I do keep tweaking it, and hoping that he doesn't mind.
I supposed that after 28 years of marriage, not having the same taste in Christmas decor isn't the worst problem we could have.
My plans were to make a lit Christmas village out of empty creamer cartons. THGGM is not a crafty guy. He was not at all impressed with this idea.


Unknown said...

nice pics

lettuce said...

hi Judy! i found your blog after all...

you're well ahead of me with the Xmas decorations... I've only just begun to admit I have to get my head around it all some time soon!

Heather Plett said...

Oh this sounds so familiar! For the longest time, Marcel and I couldn't agree on whether to put angel hair on the tree. He loved it (had grown up with it) and I hated it (because it hides all the lovely ornaments underneath). So we compromised and had it on the tree every second year. That lasted about 5 years until he finally gave up and let me have my way every year. Yay!

MissKris said...

My Dear Hubby says the house is mine and he doesn't care WHAT I do with it as long as he's fed and his laundry is clean, haha! I don't know if I'm even going to try to put up a tree this year. I'm running around after Dylan enough already, trying to get him to leave my printer, tower, the under-the-sink kitchen cabinets, and books alone. Casey's planning on putting one up, but she has him at home only an hour or two before it's bedtime. I'm trying to decide if I have enough energy to pull him away from yet ANOTHER thing, ha! I know you'll probably find this VERY HARD to believe, but I'm not a gung-ho holiday celebrator as it is. In that one area I am VERY weird. It's a very long story, but the joy of Christmas -- the family aspect of it anyway -- was ruined for me many years ago. I love spending it with my own little family, but the get-togethers with others are more agony than ecstasy, let me tell you. Until the day comes where we don't have to deal with it at all on Dear Hubby's side, I don't know if the full joy of it will ever return. Dear Hubby feels the same way, too. Like I said, long story.