Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Tired and Whiny

Yes. That's me. Tired and Whiny - the double whammy. But, tired and whiny though I be, I have this cool fabric!

My sister and brother-in-law came into town today. It was my sister's birthday yesterday, so we celebrated by going to all the places we went to every Thursday in the summer. Only this time, we brought her husband.

We went to lunch at Hunan (he had only experienced Hunan through our left-overs) and to our two favorite thrift stores. I found two board books for Baby Boy, and two "Wee Sing" books, which I guess would be for him, but I bought them for me because I need to add some more songs and rhymes to the song and rhyme pool.

I found some more tiny aqua Christmas tree balls and a few craft items. And, this funky piece of fabric. It is rather large. To photograph it I draped it across the giant footstool that has taken over our living room. It totally covered it, and hung down on the floor on both sides.
(somehow, the unicorn picture that should be right here is missing! i HATE when that happens because it throws everything off. those pesky mythical unicorns just cannot be trusted!)

I cannot imagine what I will do with this, but I liked the colors and figured there must be SOMETHING I could make for Baby Boy out of it. Or, just for fun I might recover the footstool with it.
Anyway. By evening I was too tired to move. THGGM got pizza and picked up some Christmas magazines for me.
It might be wise for me to record where I put the stuff I bought when I take pictures of it for my blog. Looking into my archives has made me say more than once "Oh, yeah. I bought that. Now what did I DO with it?"
Oh. I also found another doll for my dollhouse. For 25 cents. That made me happy.
So to sum it up, I'm tired, I'm whiny, my shoulder aches, my eyes are itchy, my wrist is sore, two fingers and my thumb on my left-hand are numb, my blood sugar is high, but I have many blessings to count, which I will do after I claw my way from the edge of despair up the stairs past the screaming kitty and into bed with THGGM who has decided that he would snore like a roaring lion again, just for fun it seems. I will grab my fabulous new-to-me Elziabeth Goudge book, remove my glasses and lay the book on my nose and will read until I cannot see anymore.
And then, I will count my blessings. Most likely, I'll still be tired, I'll still be whiny, my shoulder will still ache, my eyes will itch even worse, my wrist will still be sore, my fingers and thumb will continue to be numb, my blood sugar will climb, but I will be reminded of how truly blessed I am.

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