Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Weekend That Was

I've been working a bit here and there trying to do my Christmas decorating.
I am easily side tracked by ideas.
I found a glass globe and of course had to find a way to make it interesting. So, I added an old plastic ornament of a skier. glued that to a baby food jar (oh, to think i ever had to go hunting for those!) and some batting, which is terribly hard to maneuver - it wants to 'drift' but I don't want it to, and I keep getting my hand stuck in the globe with the plastic ornament glued to the baby food jar. Since this picture I have pulled out some of the batting, and now I think it needs a more natural looking wool batting, so I will have to dig deeper to find that.
The baby food jar holds it all up nicely on a small wreath, which sits on a cake plate which is surrounded by a little bit bigger wreath. I love the vintage garland. The Rudolph I found in Wisconsin. He isn't really old, he just looks it (maybe his mother got lost for an hour and a half and it caused him to age ten years).

I have been extremely fatigued lately. But, I recovered significantly late this afternoon and THGGM and I went out for awhile. I wanted to load up on Christmas magazines so I can get even more ideas for table top vignettes.
While we were out I found these two choir boys. Did anyone ever BURN these? I could not.
I've always been thankful that I wasn't born the oldest girl in a Scandinavian family , because having to be Santa Lucia and wear a flaming crown on my head every Christmas morning would be enough to keep me up the other 364 nights of the year worrying about my entire head going up in flames.
And I wonder why I'm always tired (wait a minute. i don't wonder why. i know why).


joyce said...

get thee to thine physician. we need you.
LOVE the choir boys (exclamation point deleted by the administrater)

Anonymous said...

My father used to buy us holiday candles every year. We had this same set. They never did get burned. I am 60 now. Does anyone make candles as nice as these now a days? I appreciate your beautiful pictures and thoughts.