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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Weekend Update

Last night I had the strangest dream.

In my dream I was working. Every time I went into a different room, the lights did not work. I thought this was odd. I found my friend Fred working on the problem, but whenever I said anything to him, huge sparks would fly up and he would say in his very 'Fred' way of talking. 'Now Judy, I can not fix this if you keep talking to me'. So, I left Fred, but kept tripping over things in the semi-darkness. I found so much stuff that I needed to throw away, but it either was too heavy for me to lift, or there wasn't any room in the dumpster for it. People kept coming up to me and saying 'You need to throw this away.' And, I would reply all sadly and near tears . 'There isn't any room to throw anything else away!'. Geesh. Dream people are so hard to bear sometimes. Anyway, I was telling a friend about this dream today, when it occurred to me that this dream is just the story of my life. Of course, I'm sure that most of it had to do with the fact that we have had major outages on all of our Christmas lights. Like, for instance, the pre-lit tree that refuses to light on the top. Then there's the small tree with the lights out all willy-nilly, and, the front porch lights with a section totally out.

It is a well know fact that I have to get rid of a lot of my stuff. Yet, on an even deeper level, the dream was true. Very true. 'Much to ponder' true. It seemed as if the entire night were this one dream. All about fuses being blown, doors being locked that should not have been locked, my keyes would not work, nothing was where it should be, and every door I did manage to open, opened upon a new and interesting scene.

I woke up to discover that I had forgotten to take my medication. If I disrupt that cycle even a teensy little bit, my dreams are all over the place. A normal dream for me is more like this - I open the refrigerator to discover that we have no milk. That's it. The entire dream.

THGGM and I went out for breakfast after church. We rarely do this. After breakfast he went to Home Depot to buy lights to re-light the top of our pre-lit Christmas tree. He dropped me off at Michaels where I bought a $1.99 garland, some ribbon, and Elmer's glue. I had to beg a bit, but he did consent to going to ONE antique mall. I found some vintage Christmas tree balls for 1.00 a bag. They were nicely worn and made me happy. I also found some Christmas tree shaped tin jello molds. I think they would make cute soap molds, if perchance I ever make soap. Which isn't likely. But, I like to be prepared. (This is why I have so much stuff. I am prepared for everything, except my actual life.)
THGGM had already alerted our family members not to expect a meal here today. He basically warned them to stay away. He is a wise man.
Simply because we were decorating for Christmas. We tend to become rather tense and ornery when we do this. We usually fight. I'm happy to report that we did pretty well today. Although, this has not been the case in years past.

So, it seems our "Our First Christmas - 1978" will hang on our tree for another season, and beyond.


joyce said...

Judy, you have said before that you are quite boring. This is a gross underestimation. The words in this post are actually full of symbolism and thought provoking imagery. The dream is one that I have had, and can easily relate to. The missing of one small pill is easy to relate to. The orneriness with wanting to make Christmas as peace loving and magical as possible, Har, har, is so ironically true.
I think I will return later today and read this again. It may even spawn a post of my own.

Anonymous said...

I can surely identify with the troubles that come when trying to decorate for Christmas. The most peace in this house has come since we gave up Christmas (we do Hanukkah, but hopefully in a bit less involved way...at least it is not so much on decorating as before and thus peace). It took some adjusting but I like this way so much better.

I am kind of wondering whatever happened to the days when women decorated the home...I guess men must not have enough outside the home to occupy their time and thoughts these days! It is dealing with these kind of issues that brought me to today...I no longer care much how the house is decorated or put together...so long as it is comfortable...and I was preparing in college to teach home ec...well, you can give up a lot of dreams in order to have peace. And find other outlets for creativity (no one stands in line to cook around here, nor to sew either...heehee!!)

Blessings on you dearie...hope the days to follow will be less stressful!!

Judy said...

Joyce, you are too kind!

Elizabeth, THGGM and I both enjoy the RESULTS of the decorating, and do it for other occasions also. It's one of those things about which we've learned to just expect tensions and deal with it.

But, oh...the peace and beauty of this room right this minute. Ahhh...it was worth it.

Melodee said...

I always yell at my kids while I'm putting up our fake tree. It's a tradition.

I love your stories.

Anonymous said...

1978..must of been a good year. That was also the year I was born.