Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day with the Family!

Baby Boy developed a cold on Christmas Eve. He still enjoyed ALL of the festivities, although he was a bit subdued.

Youngest Son missed the family party. He spent most of the day with his girlfriend's family. We missed him.

Son-in-law helped Baby Boy open up his presents. He LOVES books, and anything that makes noise.

I took the picture, but didn't notice the crossed fingers until just now. That is my niece Sheila and her husband to be, James.

My niece Merideth looked smashing in the Santa hat!


Someone else has a cold too.

My brother-in-law Clayton, and my dad.

Okay. I won't pile all the cousins on the couch to take a picture. I haven't done that in eight years. But, I WANTED to.

My sister Jan.

Mom, with my niece Carrie in the background.

Baby Boy and Pake (Frisian for grandpa).


Anvilcloud said...

I can't quite sort how the descriptions go with the pictures, but they're a nice lot of shots regardless. Nice work.

Melissa said...

I like the sepia treatment you used - it looks a bit like one on my program called - aged paper....

I love the shot where Baby Boy is reading and the tree - is lovely you could use it for a card.

Baby Boy is turning into such a little man.

Debra said...

LOVED all the pretty sepia pictures! (Wish I knew how to do that....). Looks like a great time was had by all...Thanks for sharing your day with us! Blessings, Debra

Judy said...

Thanks! I used the sepia option on my Corel program. It took me quite awile to get used to it, but now I LOVE it.

Anvil - Blogger ate one picture, and when I removed those comments, everything went nuts. Including me. Then, I went to bed.