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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Appointment Day!

What? You don't celebrate the holidays by going to medical appointments?

My mom had one appointment today, and my dad had two. They decided to go for the blood work tomorrow, or it could have gone on even longer.

It was a 'good' day for my mom. Before dementia struck her, my mom taught me well how to sneak around to doctors BEFORE the actual appointment. It's odd/funny how I now use those tricks on her. I sent information on ahead so I didn't have to bring it up myself. She did know what month it was, but could not even venture a guess on what year. She knew the month because she knew she had just sent out Christmas cards. She didn't seem to remember that it was my sister who made them out for her, per dad's request.

My dad must feel like a pin cushion. He had cortisone shots in both knees. These were preceded by novocain injections. Then, it was on to the urologist for his lupron injection. He passed his PSA with flying colors, and his bone density is still in the 'good' range.

This fortitude that my parents possess is TOTALLY lost on me. I'm a whiner and a complainer, traits I did NOT pick up from either one of them.

It was a fabulous day for people watching in the various waiting rooms we found ourselves in. I'd tell you all about it, but I have cookies to bake, presents to make, pictures to take, (you get the idea).

And for the record, it is a GORGEOUS sunny day today! Not a cloud in the bright blue sky. I felt like singing "It's beginning to look a lot like Easter".

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