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Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Oldest Son!

Where does the time go? How is it that Oldest Son could be 26 years old? How? I want to know! I want to go to the place where the time went, and spend a little more of it with this boy.

Because I happen to know that he was JUST BORN!
I remember it all so well.
From having worked with children, I always wondered what they were thinking.
I asked God for a baby that would talk early, and tell me what he was thinking.
Good grief! What was I thinking!?
He wasn't more than two when I realized that he didn't ask questions like other kids his age. So, I asked him, "Oldest Son, why don't you ask questions?"
He looked me square in the eye like I was some sort of idiot and replied "Because I already know everything."

Isn't he handsome?
He still is.
I'm sure THGGM would have taken the day off to play Risk with him today, if Oldest Son still lived in Michigan.
(do you hear 'cats in the cradle' playing in the background?...)
Happy Birthday Oldest Son!
I'm so thankful God gave you to our family!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

My oldest didn't start talking early but when she did she didn't ask questions at all - I couldn't even get the concept through to here...Now at five she asks non-stop questions about everything from the most mundane to the most philosophical and I just wish she would be queit so that I could think.