Welcome to Anybody Home!

Here you will find scattered pictures from my point and shoot camera, random thoughts from my little world, treasured memories of days gone by, hopeful dreams of the days yet to come, and a bunch of ideas - because I've always got ideas!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"Memories, Flood the Corners of My Mind"

Misty, migraine-colored memories, of the way we were.
This creepy looking little pillow is THGGM's favorite Christmas decoration. If I 'forget' to put it out, he will say in his best whiny voice, "Where's my pillow?"
When my children were the age they are in that pillow to the left, I had the best 'best friend' in the entire known universe. She had a daughter Oldest Son's age, and two older boys whom she homeschooled.
She would take ALL THREE OF MY CHILDREN in exchange for me doing artsy stuff with her kids.
Her boys were so much fun! The clothes pin angels reminded me of the time THGGM, her two boys and I sat around our kitchen table and made dozens of crazy looking clothes pin ornaments. THGGM made a 'snow princess' which really impressed us all. I should have kept her, and called HER my favorite Christmas decoration and see if he would allow that to be on display! Anyway...I digress.
The pillow was made by coloring on a sheet of paper with fabric crayons, and then ironing it on to a piece of white material. It was one of our 'artsy' projects. THGGM wasn't present when I made this one, so - being poor and all - I made my sample project into a Christmas gift. He LOVED it. I'm sort of embarrassed by it. I got a little too much crayon on the kids facial features, and they ended up with very large mouths (i always wondered how that happened, seeing how i'm so quiet).
Each child has behind his back two things that were very important to them at the time. Youngest Son has his Ernie doll and his bear blanket. They were ever-present in his young life. Oldest Son has Baby Bear and a book. He always had a book. Baby Bear now lives in the bottom drawer of my dresser - in hopes that someday I can repair his nose. Daughter has our cat at the time, Dude, and 'who-knows-what'. She ALWAYS had 'who-knows-what', though I know not why.
That's how they dressed, too. Back in the 80's.
The pillow is more than twenty years old.
I'm having a hard time believing that, but it's true.


Melissa said...

You know it is a bit goofy but the story behind it makes it all worth it, doesn't it?

Anyhow, if I had tried to draw something it wouldn't have turned out half that good.

Melissa said...

BTW you need to at this tree skirt, I think you would like it:


Oh and what a cool friendship!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE the tree skirt!

Makes me not feel like I'm so far behind. I could probably pull together a tree skirt in twenty years.

Well. Maybe not.
